I am woken up by the bright sunlight that creeps through the cracks,"Morning sleepy head. "Hades says as he gets in the carbin holding firewood in his hands,"when did you wake up and have time to actually get firewood."I say as a big yawn escapes my mouth,"Oh just when you were sleeping for like the past twenty one hours,I guess yesterday I drove you too hard."He says with a smirk and I just roll my eyes.
We leave the cabin after sunset as to avoid contact with anyone,"Do we even know where we are going?"I ask in a frustrated tone,"while you were sleeping I walked around and found an opening where the forest ends and near there is a fence which is my ranche's.
After a few hours of walking we finally reach the mansion ,"Jules,how have you been, how was the business trip with the boss?"Mary asks in an excited voice, "it was just same old,meeting with different people, you know, just discussing business. "I say with as much conviction I can muster up.