Jules pov
"Yeah I guess it is because I am new here." I say trying to sound strong even though I am shaking,"Oh by the way the big bosses base is deep in that forest." the man who was questioning me answers, I get up and head outside not wanting to attract anymore attention.
I find the guard from before standing alert as he watches for any man or vampire for that matter trying to escape.
" hey ,you are the girl who left the post open when I left it to you."He says in an accusing tone while pointing a finger at me,"sorry man,the boss called me."I lie without even batting an eye,I am getting good at this lying thing, "Oh ok." He answers,"I will take the shift now." I say my voice emotionless.
When I finally get out of those bases using the hole in the fence, I phase and run through the forest,I can't believe it actually worked, I actually found where Hades is,all I have to do is search the whole forest, I mean how hard can it be to find a whole base.