Chapter One

"Izzy." I whispered as I stared at the sleeping girl next to me "Izzy." I raised a finger before moving it closer to her forehead "IZZY." I progressively got louder and louder just as I was about to reach her forehead her hand shot out and wrapped around my wrist as her eyes opened into a glare. "What. Do. You. Want." she spat as her glare hardened giving her a sheepish grin I pulled my wrist out of her grip "Dad wants you. Like he wanted you 10 minutes ago, but you're a heavy sleeper." I scooted back off the bed, knowing that Izzy was more than likely going to freak out. "¡Qué coño!" Izzy jumped straight out of bed "Blair." She glared at me before running around her room, trying to find suitable clothes to see the alpha with "Why does Alpha Anders want to see me?" shrugging my shoulders I gave an innocent grin and back outside the room before walking down the hall and upstairs to my room on the Alpha floor of the pack house.

Opening my door I looked around my room and sighed "I need to repaint my room." I mutter to myself before flinging myself on to the bed, my honey blonde hair sprawling around me. Feeling around the bed, I went searching for the book I had left there before me, going to wake Izzy up.

Once my hand connected with the hardback cover that was indeed the book, I sat up and shuffled to the black headboard of my king-sized bed. Divine by Mistake by P.C Cast one of my favourite authors sat in my right hand, and I grinned "man I need a witty man like ClanFinton" I whispered to myself as I turned to where I last left off with Shannon Parker first meeting ClanFinton and giggled softly.

It easily could have been three, maybe four hours later when a knock sounded on my door. "Hello?" I called out, not really wanting to put the book down as I was getting to the delicious part.... where ClanFinton turns himself into a man for Shannon.... my door swung open, and a throat was cleared. "Yes? How can I help you?" My eyes were still glued to the pages I was reading, otherwise, I might have answered differently. "For one, dear daughter, you could at least look at your dear papa" a deep gravelly voice sounded out, and I froze before lowering the book and glancing out the corner of my eye.

"Papa? What are you doing here?" I innocently asked and hoped he was here for a completely different reason. "It seems to me Blair that Izzy was not working alone entirely, was she?" He asked, and I visibly shrunk "No, Papa, she wasn't." I hung my head and waited for him to say something else. I felt a hand on my shoulder and sighed "Why must you do these things, Blair? You are the Alpha's daughter. The one the pack looks up to when they're attacked. The one who is supposed to be mature enough at 18 to look after herself and her friends. Not gallivant off to unclaimed lands trying to sneak into another pack's bar." My father sighed and walked out of the door.

I really think we did it this time, Arya I thought to my wolf and heard her whimper in reply. Keeping my head low, I tried to avoid those I knew would try to speak to me. Meaning my mother and older brother, albeit disastrous to try as I knew the moment I made it to the communal floor of the pack house both my mother and brother would be there, one to socialise with their friends and two because my mother helps the other she-wolves with cooking or with their children.

Walking silently to the top of the stairs at the end of the Alpha Floor stairs, I quickly yet quietly walked down the seven floors of stairs and made it to the communal floor and was stopped by the Bolverk of our pack. Great. "Alpha Female Blair Luna Patricia would like to see you." Our Bolverk was at least 6ft tall and built like a brick wall "Thank you Bolverk Damien" He bowed his head and walked back to wherever he was sent today. Oh goodie. What could mum want with me now? Keeping that thought to myself so I didn't cop any sarcastic remarks from Arya, I made my way down to the kitchen keeping an eye out for my mother. Still trying to avoid my brother.

Finally reaching the kitchen after checking the other common areas around the pack house, I found my mother talking to another She-wolf called Mira. She was the Beta's mate. "Mother." I greeted as I moved further into the room. "Blair darling, would you be a dear and set the formal room for visitors tonight? Your father has a meeting over dinner with the Kumori Pack this evening." she turned to face me with a small smile on her face. Now my mother was one that others would call gorgeous. She had flaming red hair and light green eyes, she was also tall and slender but you could tell she was muscular and could hold her own in a fight. I, on the other hand, had none of those genes. I was a curvy, blonde-haired, blue-eyed semi-tall girl. No one in my pack can understand how I am her daughter, however, they weren't the only ones I question that every time I saw her.

"Yes, mother" I turned about and walked back out of the kitchen and headed back down the corridor to the Formal dining room.

Now let me tell you when I say that the Formal dining room is grand and my personal hell on earth I am not joking. This hall is the bane of my existence, It had an extremely long dining table that could easily sit twenty to thirty people. In the middle of the room, there was a great big chandelier that hung over the table giving it a grand feeling and I had to set it all up. Quit your whining Blair, it's not like you have to sweep, dust and clean the whole place Arya commented, and I shrugged That's true, but I still have to set thirty peoples worth of cutlery and plates in the correct fashion and order otherwise mother will probably have an aneurysm. I could picture it now, and I place one fork out of order and mother just falling over in a dead faint as the only reason we use this room is for significant people. Arya huffed in annoyance You horrible child, just do what your mother tells you to Her voice floated through my mind before a shield-like feeling went up and I knew she closed the link off to me, laughing I made my way over to the giant Crystal cabinet that had all the plates and cutlery before pulling out what I needed.

Four hours later I had finally finished the room to where I felt confidant that whoever the guests were they would like how it was set up. Travelling down the middle of the table I had twelve vases all varying in different heights and grouped into threes in each of the vases stood a single rose, one white, one red and one purple. At the head of the table where I knew my father would sit, I had placed a dark red rose on his plate followed by a Red Rose on the two plates next to him, One for the Alpha of the pack and because I had the urge or feeling to add an extra Red rose to the opposite side of the table I knew there was going to be another higher authority sitting at the table maybe a Luna or Beta.

Taking my time, I made my way back to my room and headed into my ensuite and take a shower. Turning on the hot water I waited for the bathroom to steam up and grinned, Man, I love a good shower I thought to myself as the bathroom mirror fogged up before turning on the cold water slightly not enough to turn the shower cold but just enough to take the sting out of the hot water. Stripping off my clothes, I jumped into the shower and slid the glass door shut. Turning around so that the water hit my back I quickly wet my hair making sure that it was completely wet I grabbed my Pomegranate and honey smelling shampoo before washing my hair, I also grabbed my toothbrush off of my vanity and brushed my teeth, Once I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my Vanilla bean and Cinnamon fragrant body wash.

After deeming myself clean, I hopped out the shower and grabbed one of my big fluffy white towels that hung on the towel warmer and walked out of the bathroom and back into my room towards the closet. Spending around fifteen minutes I tried to find an outfit that would be appropriate for tonight, I finally settled on a nice flowy emerald green top with 3/4 sleeves and a pair of grey skinny jeans, grabbing my knee-high black boots I walked back of my closet and down to the communal area, to see everyone running around as if they've just lost their heads. What in the world is going on? Arya commented in my head and I gave a subconscious shrug.