Characters 2

Zeus - The New Supreme Leader of the God's Constitution at Valhalla, known as the Father of Cosmos and the God of Gods on Greek Mythology. He was greatful to Joshua saving his life when Loki tried to assassinate him. (Alive)

Poseidon - Brother of Zeus, known as the God of the Seas of Greek and one of those Prideful Gods, he despise the Chosens and tried to eliminate them all along with their Systems. Killed Joshua's younger sister in Garden of Eden, and was killed by Joshua activating Demons Onslaught. (Dead)

Hermes - The Greek messenger of gods and sees Joshua as his worthy rivalry in terms of speed. He and Joshua helped each other on his mission to save the Captured Valkyries and Kill Cthulhu, the Evil Reservoir that was mistaken to be dead before. (Alive)

Athena - The Goddess of beauty that helped Joshua to escape before she was controlled by Eris. (Dead)

Ganesha - The Hindu God of Luck and Wealth and the son of Shiva and Parvati. He likes Joshua and become his friend, however because of Loki's deceitful plan Ganesha died and Joshua became his scapegoat. (Dead)

Shiva - The Hindu god of destruction that befriended by Joshua, though he didn't believe the accusation and wants to avenge his own son from Loki but didn't continue. He swear to Joshua that he will protect him until his last breath. (Dead)

Heracles - The Demigod son of Zeus, he is always in the side of Justice and see Joshua's sufferings from Loki's mischief. He let Joshua escape on the prison of Valhalla and let him travel on the underworld, where Joshua meets Adamas' remnants. (Dead)

Hephaesteus - The God that forged Astaroth's corpse to an armor and weapon for Joshua, killed by Odin near the gates because of helping Joshua. (Dead)

Hades - The Ruler of the Underworld, he have a fairly fatherly instinct towards Joshua. He trained Joshua for 3 months on the Cursed Lake, and let Joshua and his System go towards the Void to escape. (Alive)

Adamas - The god of Conquest that was killed by his own brother, Poseidon. he bears grudge towards the other gods except Hades, teached Joshua on how to protect himself on God Magic. (Dead)

Yahweh - The Jewish god of Creation and former Supreme Chief of Valhalla's God's Constitution. He know the existence of Glitch when Joshua described him, and was later confront the evil creation that is long forgotten. (Alive)

Death - The God that have the title of "Prince" on the underworld, he governs the soul from the soul gate towards the city of dead. He tell the identity of Glitch to Joshua. (Alive)

Brynhildr - One of the Valkyries and the system of Chester.

Sigrún - One of the Valkyries and the system of Owen.

Hrist - One of the Valkyries and the system of Liam, has a split personality that suits on her host.

Mīsţ - One of the Valkyries, exiled but has given of opportunity to chose Alexander to become her host. The Evil Valkyrie of the Story.

Přúdr - One of the Valkyries and the system of Arnon.

Hlökk - One of the Valkyries and the system of Rodrick. She fell in love at first sight to Joshua but ignored her feelings, saved by Joshua from her own host as he tried to rape her. Helped and saved Joshua's Yandere lovers and hid them on her room. (Alive)

Göll - One of the Valkyries and the system of David.

Geirahöd - One of the Valkyries and the system of Alfred.

Grimhildr - One of the Valkyries and the system of Leon.

Rádgridr - One of the Valkyries and the system of Arthur.

Reginleif - One of the Valkyries and the system of Jasper, has a crush on Joshua.

Róta - One of the Valkyries and the system of Eistenwalt.

Skuld - One of the Valkyries and the system of Shizoru.

Göndul - One of the Valkyries and the system of Aaron.

Odin - The Representative and the Leader of Norse Gods, hates human to the bone. He was the one who planned the mass destruction of Earth and the killing of Joshua's family. (Alive)

Loki - Norse God of Deceit, he holds grudge to Joshua for unknown reason. (Dead)

Eris - Greek god of Deceit and Trickery, she planned to make Joshua as her slave but failed to do so. (This one is a fucking Sadist, mind you)

Baal - Demon God that Governs the Hell's Northern Institute, goes on neutral side when the War of Gods occur. Lets his daughter Sally to get accompany with Joshua.

Sally - Daughter of Baal and The Succubus Lily, tried to charm Joshua but failed because of her child-like appearance.

Astaroth - The Demon that mocks Joshua and tried to kill him, resulting of one of the most gory death of a demon afterwards.

Cthulhu - the Evil Reservoir of the Void found in depths of sea, killed by Hermes and Joshua to save Róta and Göll on his territory.

Chester Brown - The Canadian Professor that became host of Brunhildr.

Owen Savi - The Nigerian Miner that became host of Sigrún.

Liam Anderrson - The Swedish Policeman that became host of Hrist.

Alexander - The British Thug that became host of Mīsţ.

Arnon Anusni - A Krgyyztani Gymnast that became host of Přúdr.

Rodrick Alabauzer - The Obsessed Brazilian Musician that became host of Hlökk, tried to rape Hlökk but killed by Joshua.

David Sanchez - The Argentine Runner that became host of Göll.

Alfred Olivier - The Uruguayan Monk that became host of Geirahöd.

Leon Hernandez - The Mexican Magician that became host of Grimhildr.

Arthur Austembault - The French Lawyer that became host of Rádgridr.

Jasper Esperanto - The Italian Librarian that became host of Reginleif.

Kyordoni Smirnov - The Russian Soldier that became host of Róta.

Shizoru Watanabe - The Japanese Highschooler that became host of Skuld.

Aaron Walsh - The Irish Revolutionary that became host of Göndul