chapter 2 - <3

After hours of snapping each other and getting to know her, I arrived at Claires' room (which fortunately was just down the corridor from mine). It was about 6pm now and she texted me earlier saying she had a surprise for me. She left the door open for me and as I stepped in, she threw her arms around me.

"Hey angel," I whispered hugging her back.

I noticed a couple more things I didn't earlier, she was the same height as me and had a vanilla fragrance on. In the corner of her room was a guitar, earlier on she told me about her passion for music. Without saying anything, she pulled away, looking into my eyes and grabbed her guitar in one hand and my hand in another and ran outside.

She took me to a grocery store nearby. We talked and laughed the whole time on our way there and we came out with a bag full of doughnuts and some flaming hot cheetos. I didn't know where she was going to take me now but with my hand in hers, I felt safe and warm. About 20 minutes later we found ourselves on the top of a mountain, with the sea and the sunset in front of us.

I laid down on the grass, tired and she laid down next to me. It was quiet but it wasn't awkward. we spent the next hour up there, just making each other smile and eating our snacks. Watching the sun set with Claire made me want to live in this moment forever. She played me a few of my favourite songs on her guitar whilst my head rested on her lap, I was shaking from the coldness.

"Here" she said softly, handing me her jumper.

I stared right into her eyes for about 10 seconds getting lost in them, I then placed my warm hand gently on her cold cheek.

"I'm scared" I whispered honestly, as I closed my eyes and leaned in to kiss her. She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me back.

"I really like you, Alexa," She whispered back, our foreheads were touching, her hands were in my hair now and then she leaned in for another kiss.

We arrived back at her place and she turned on her TV for a movie night. I loved seeing her so happy as she held my hand.

"What's on, angel?" I asked, placing her guitar in the corner of the room,

as she scrolled down Netflix.

"I don't mind, what do you wanna watch?"

"IT?" I replied, it was the first thing that came to mind.

"The clown one! It is one of my favourites. But I get terrified!" She laughed.

"Me too!" I giggled.

"Here," she threw over one of her oversized, thick white hoodies from the other side of the room. "Please stay the night with me, it's also my first time travelling alone and I'm kinda nervous," she pleaded.

"Anything for you, Claire Bear." I joked making her grin.

"I also am scared of the dark..." I said honestly and she hugged me tight.

We cuddled each other whilst watched the movie, we both jumped every time something 'scary' happened which made us both laugh and fall off the bed.

Towards the end of the film, she put her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead tenderly which made her smile. I turned off the movie and she stroked my cheek softly making us both fall asleep.

That night I dreamt of her; I was backstage with her family at her concert. My eyes were full of pride. She was my girlfriend.