That day




"Isn't it amazing how delicious this tastes? This is my favourite alcoholic beverage, and I could never stop myself from consuming it this quickly." Kai was enthralled as he spoke about how much he liked the particular alcoholic beverage.

"You have never refused a beer in your life. You became the only one in high school who skipped classes and bunked school in order to get drunk and drink wine at the bar." Wei sent him a smirky look.


"How did you figure that out?" Kai's brows furrowed in surprise as he heard that from Wei.


"Back in those days, you were well-known for getting high at different clubs and wine bars." Wei let out a roaring chuckle.

Wei smiled for the first time that day, and he was finally having fun with his friend. I was happy to see him finally getting comfortable with his friend and not worrying about me.