Chapter 4:Exploring Nasaag the Homeland of the Death God

As we go inside. I take a moment to look upon a decently size house that's far bigger on the inside than the outside. Its wooden finished gave a slightly old look while covered by the trees. I even noticed the grass was a dingy brown color. I fell a hand touch my shoulder and its Papa. He may not have a mouth but I felt him smiling at me. "This was were it all began for me one millennia ago. Sigh. Your grandmother Umi was far older than she seem and was actually an goddess she and Psion both gave life. Your aunt Emma and I were to present death. Unfortunately Emma disliked the idea and one day vanished. She did learn of you and Azou's birth and even held you two. For some reason.I have a inkling she's here,but be careful Luna. Nasaag has changed a lot since I was a small boy. You'll mostly encounter more Parithian folk. Yes dragon human hybrids,jackalope human hybrids and even kitsune woman. Be warn though they may not speak English." He giggled.

"What about kobolds? They're these small cute draconic or fuzzy wuzzy creatures I read about in a fantasy creature encyclopedia. I said curious and slightly floating off the ground trying to match my father's height. "They exist also and are more common here than Parithia hmm last kobold I saw was a fellow with a white goatee named Ya Ven. He had a daughter that became a avid worshipper of me. Embarrassing as it is..she was a zealot and would even try to find her way to Hexus just to see me." He said scratching his head. I giggled and imagine what this kobold girl looked like. From what I read the average height for one is smaller than Nea who stands at four feet tall. "Maybe I should go exploring then hmm? Can I papa please?" I asked him. He patted my head and picked me up and placed me on his muscular shoulder. "Its soo pretty. The sunset and the grey roofs of the nearby houses hmm. Ok hehe let me rest and get ready to explore." I floated off his shoulder flying into the house. As soon as I head in some dragon men and woman recognized Papa and bowed before him as their god. "All hail the Parithain son of Goddess Elena. Parithain Queen of Nature and mother of the Lord of Death." They chanted. "At ease my fellow Parithain kin for your god needs rest. Before I collect the departed souls of my old home.

They stood to their feet and offered him a cake and flowers and many other gifts once they departed Papa laughed and grabbed Mama kissing her on the lips. "Wow. One thousand years and they are still faithful to you hehe. Well that's your mommy Elena's doing after all despite being a incredible nine feet and two inches tall plus being muscular and busty. She really does add to the goddess stereotype." Mama said kissing Papa back. I look for a empty room to unpack in and continued reading the fantasy creature encyclopedia. The strange thing is Gala's race the Drenukk are now in the book just after kobolds. I noticed this weird energy surge around me than fade as quick as I turn my head. "Weird hmm..maybe since Im learning about a newish type of Parithain this is their way of introducing them selves." I wondered. I finished unpacking and fall asleep for the night. The next morning I am up bright and early at nine o'clock I smell the beautiful green flowers and walk through out the town. I see a sigh just on the foot of the hill were the house is. It says Vequin,Nasaag I smiled and was happy to know that this little place had a name. "Wow. all these buildings there soo old looking even that tavern over there. To think Papa was born here. Hehe. No time to lose. I gotta find me a kobold." I giggled to myself. I continued walking as saw most of these Parithain people wave at me. Some even mentioned my name and the merchants offered me free fruit to take home and eat. "Lady Luna. Daughter of our dear Lord Unknown. Please accept this wolomelon as a offering in peace and a invitation to our fair land." The merchant said. I happily accepted and took the blue strange shape fruit. I see mostly small dragon human children playing with a yellow ball. They see me and run my way hugging me by the legs. "Lady Luna!! Lady Luna!! We're so glad to finally see you." The children shouted. I crouched to their height and hugged them. "Hehe I guess your parents and grandparents told ya about me huh? Well Luna will be here to protect you." I smiled. The kids tossed the yellow ball my way they wanted to have me play with them.

"Use your tail or feet Lady Luna. We want you to play KuKuball with us. First to get the ball in that red basket over there wins." An small boy says to me. I nod and play there little game. This goes on for fifteen minutes until the kids are called inside. I waved to them while dusting the dirt off my green skirt. I continued walking and automatically notice a sharp contrast to the grey bricked houses and buildings to some reddish brown cave shape hovel homes. The first one I noticed had a small green door,two glass windows on the front,one window to the side and a cellar. Curious I knocked on the door. "Hello is anyone home? Im Luna,Im your new neighbor and was going around Nasaag meeting new people." I said. No answer. I waited at least five more minutes and no answer. When I began to turn a felt a tap on my leg. I looked down and saw the cutest little thing ever. "Oh um I sorry little one. Is your mommy home? Hehe."I smiled. The creature put their hands on their hips. When they spoke I felt a little awkward. "Your in front of my house. And for the record im a girl. A KOBOLD girl. Or Parithain as its called. You must be Skyra's kid..what was your name..hmm..Luna.Ah! your Luna. Welcome to Nasaag. I see my Lord has return. Hehe." She giggled and let me into her home.

Once again looks are deceiving this time more so. The door way barely was tall enough for me. I got a better look at the kobold girl and was grinning ear to ear. "Awww..your soo cute. Hehe definitely shorter than Nea by two feet. I read about Kobolds and well. That encyclopedia was accurate. What's your name?" I asked sitting in a comfy squishy chair. She moved her dragon like feet toward me while swaying her tail and brushing her hair. "Call me..Venu Vizec. Vevi for short. Kobold and Drakes get confused a lot no worries. My grandfather met Lord Unknown and even Lady Nea. But for Skyra to visit us is rare. I heard of Lord Fafir's tyranny and attack. Don't worry. We kobolds are really strong hehe. Oh im rambling are you hungry Luna?" She asked grabbing a pot with her tail. "Kinda. Any thing is good soup even. You have mostly dragon like features as opposed to the other Partihains does it feel different?" I asked curiously. Vevi sat on a wooden stump making some stew she crossed her legs and tasted the stew flapping her small green wings. "Mm yummy hehe. Well not really they have tails just like us. Hair like us or manes. Some even have those furry neck manes. I have one see?" She showed me her brown fuzzy neck garment. I was surprised as she removed it and blew a small white flame into the stew. She had beautiful big blue eyes and looked up at me smiling. "Lady Luna..your really fascinated with my appearance aren't you? H..hehehe you flatter me. But..I never had someone ask about my features before. Kobolds often get bullied cause of our height and small wings hehe. Its ok we tease back."She giggled while feeding me a spoonful of her stew. I smiled and really enjoyed it.

"Sorry. Its just your brown hair and blue spots along with your..greenish scales your beautiful why live in this hovel?" I asked. She placed the pot on her table and sat in front of me like a small child. "Because its home while those other Partithians are in those stone homes or wooden ones we Kobolds like a more simple touch. Doesn't mean were primal. Its just comfy to us." She smiled.

After having a nice conversation she grabbed some blue wide rimmed glasses and hugged me tight. She grabbed a cloth to wipe her small tail spikes. "Forgive me for cleaning my spikes but they get dirty quick. Oh these glasses are for fashion hehe. A note to you male kobolds are slightly taller than us females. Some our red scaled white most females are green scaled or lime scaled. Heck we come in all colors and some kobolds have even fur on their tails like me. But if you wish to rest here for the night your more than welcome to. It'd be a honor to have the daughter of my handsome Lord rest here.

I take her up on her offer and give Momma and Papa a call. Momma seem to recognize Vevi's name and also knew her grandfather. I was allowed to stay over. Happy as can be I noticed the clothing Vevi wore. Mainly dresses or clothes with large holes in the back. "Hehe. Another thing we kobolds wear dresses our tails have been known to rip clothing mainly cause of our spikes. So some lucky clothing genius decided to help us out. I hope you like it here. There isn't much though." She frown. I picked her up and hugged her anyway.

"No worries. Your just enjoying your home.Who am I to judge your lifestyle you remind me so much of my Gala. Small and cuteee hehe." I giggled. The kobold girl clenched her small hands unto the creases of my jacket and smiled while purring and slightly growling. "Mmm..thank you so much for comforting me. But I know the real reason you're here. Fafir must be taken down. He must be stopped. Your more than welcome to stay but please...promise the Parithians the Kobolds and even all of Neo. That he will be defeated." She said with excitement. I looked down as I held this small kobold woman. "Lady Luna? You will defeat him right? We're all counting on you. We need you." She said innocently. I looked down at her and smiled. "Fafir will get his. For all the crimes he has done. For every murder and unjust action.This so called God of Evil will be dealt with." I said confidently. After falling asleep and waking up from my slumber. Vevi is already making breakfast. She's wearing nothing but a apron?

"Good morning my lady..pardon my other clothes are in the wash. I hope you don't mind me showing more of my self." She said while using her tail to cover most of her bare rear. "Not a problem Vevi. Im used to it. As I said it's your home so dress how ya want. Besides..cute cute tattoo hehe." I giggled. She shyly tried to cover the strange tattoo and blushed smiling. "Thank you for the what will you do today my lady?" She asked desperately trying to change the subject. "I dunno"