Chapter 10: The Tables Are Turning

As I helped the little girl who scraped her knees. I used a wet cloth to clean the wound. She winced a little judging from the sound she made and her mildly yanking my sleeve. "All done. Now you be more careful ok. Go show those boys who's boss hehe." I giggled. I grabbed my cane and started walking again. I thought a lot about the previous events that happened to me. I figured to just find a place to relax and focus on the positive. No more Oga. No more Ya'fir nor Fafir and his stupid knights. At least not now.

Maybe I should be careful who sees me. By now a new legion of those guys could still be searching for me and Destiny. I close my eyes and just let go of every trouble. Every negative thought waivers from my mentality and there is nothing but a gentle river. "Luna. Ohhh Luna. There you are. Hehe. I have good news. The doctor called and he says the result of your blindness in your case was a defense mechanism. I..think you can control your eyes to a point were you can or cannot see. How awesome is that?" My mother asked me excitedly.

I smile at the good news and used my hands to reach for my mom. I leaned forward and hugged her. " Thats wonderful mom hehe. But I figure now. Maybe all this bad stuff has happened to me because of my gift." I say while unconsciously adjusting my eyes. I see my mom and the pretty trees and landscape behind her.

"You have pupils again hehe. Your my baby girl and when you were born. I knew you'd as you say. Rock the house. In fact you shaken the very foundation of our world. Its awesome just how amazing you are. You're kind,sweet,caring and always make me smile hehe. Though Im glad you're not nearly as lewd as I am. You'll get that trait in time hehe. "I playfully push her and giggle at her remark. For now all seems well and for once. I can rest a little easy.

We head home and just have a good mother and daughter chat talking and before long my peace is interrupted. This time the television switches to a broadcast by non other than Fafir himself. Everyone and I mean everyone from the village to the girls inside the house along with Papa sit in chairs wondering what's this assholes next move.

The tv shows cameras being placed all around the palace. A massive crowd formed in front or it could be a mob. Nea hopefully. I rather they kick his ass than me. Sentinels as big as statues stood on Fafir's right and left side armed to the teeth. Each had a giant axe. I felt intimidated by this and a bit of hate towards this man. The crowd stopped cheering as this fucking prick had the nerve to walk in a long red cape decorated with a golden trim. His outfit pissed me off further. Red royal jacket,black boots and matching red pants. I balled my fist up and took a deep breath. He stood at the podium tapping the microphone. We all were ready for what he was about to say.

"Ahem. My loyal subjects and commoners it has come to my attention that Nea herself was set free from her protection. I want to know who among you would defy my rule as king. Not only that but my daughter Destiny has been snatched away from my grasp and divine right. But that is fine. She is a traitor to the Fafir Order and a disgrace to my very name. I come before you to be judge,jury and executioner." He menacingly said while snapping his fingers sending his knights to murder innocent people. He laughed almost as if he went mad. "NOOOO!! THATS IT!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!" I exclaimed I was about to rush off and fight him until Papa stopped me. "Fool!! those aren't even real people. There just clones of every person in Neo. Fafir knows your in Nasaag and he's trying to lure you to him. Don't you see. You can't let him win. Your stronger than that. I know. I taught you better." Papa says. I obey and continue to observe Fafir's little scheme. Well..until he grabbed a little girl by her neck and held a sword up to her face.

"I know you have her Luna..come out to play if ya don't want any more blood to be shed. Hehe. If not. I'll snuff you out and force you to contend with me. Its only a matter of time before your found." He smirked killing the girl which turned into a vapor. I was shocked he knew we even left. Than again. Ya'fir was only wounded..she must've ratted us out. That damn bitch. I look at Destiny crying. I put my hand on her shoulder and hugged her tight. "Why Luna..Why does he hate his own daughter? I tried my best to earn his love but..nothing..Why..Why does he hate me?" She asked in pain.

She sobbed more and more. I had Gala get her some tissues. In that hour of darkness. I heard screaming from outside. Things like wood being broken and glass smashed in. Next thing I knew a bomb went off just on the doorstep of our home. "Gala!! W..what happened to Gala?!" I asked seeing that she in a blinding speed kicked the bomb with all her might seconds before it exploded. She was covered in dirt and debris. I noticed she limped a little. I grabbed her and placed her on my back. Papa ordered everyone to get out through a secret underground entrance.

"W..when this place become a bomb zone? Ya think ol Faffy himself found us Lulu?" Ember asked while running through a long dirt tunnel that laid under the very house. Once we were safe it was pitch black. Darkness all around. Luckily Gala once again was very useful her eyes glowed naturally in the dark lighting the way to wherever we were going. "Zuma. How did he know? This house had no way of being detected by Fafir. Unless. That informed him..Oh no..what if he's crawling through the same tunnel were using? We gotta get everyone to saftey." Momma said she panicked a little and held my hand tight along with feeling Azou's hand fur..wait..Where was Azou..D..did we leave her back there?

"They went this way. My Lord there on the run and we gotta witness here also. Tell us where they went ya freak of nature." A knight said holding her by her hair. I felt her pain and lost it. I blacked out again and saw red. The only thing I remembered seeing was Papa nodding his head up and down. The tunnel was really long like..about ten miles even. It all shrunk when I moved. The knight holding Azou had his arm ripped from his body.

"Touch my big sister and I'll take more than a arm..Where's Fafir..this shit ends now." I said angrily. More knights and sentinels emerged some were attacking my family and friends and some even popped up from underground. I fought at least ten thousand of them all mangled,disfigured and bloodied. The worst type of damage I got was dirt covering my eyes. More just kept coming and overwhelmed me taking me by my arms and awaiting Fafir himself. "Let me and my family go you fuckers!!! I swear..I will eradicate Fafir and make sure his precious order is wiped from the hands of time!!" I shouted. The Evil God himself clapped his hands and walked towards me and slapped me.

"You really thought I didn't know. A large hole in my palace wall,a damaged Vu Rachel, even kidnapping my daughter. Oh Luna. Hehe how the mighty have fallen. You see. Ever since your demonstration of this power. I wanted to make you suffer. Make you pay for stealing my moment of glory. Nius and Neo would have been mind..Had not your parents procreated and made you. You little dwarf!! Now..I will sentence you to a fate far worst then death.

Immortality witnessing your friends,family and the people that you care for being raped,tortured,disemboweled and all sorts of fun things will be demonstrated. And while I may hate you..I will personally make you submit to me. Sexually and all others ways. "NOOOO..FAFIR THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!!" Papa yelled. With a punch so powerful the tunnel system we were in started to crumble. A black deathly aura formed killing all of Fafirs minions. Destiny even was in fear of this power but bravely walked through her enraged father and picked me up before returning me to the group.

D..daddy!?" I said for the first time ever. My father..his rage grew more as we stood there in awe of his power. "Get outta here. a god..I am Death incarnate itself..Fafir will face me one way or another..but focus on leaving here. GO..NOW!!" He demanded. I was really scared when he yelled. Momma and Ivanka led us to a exit. We manage to make it just before the tunnel system collapsed on itself. We all rushed to a old spruce tree and saw my dragon grandmother Elena. She flew down and hugged Azou and me tight. "Your son is pissed Elena..We should stay outta sight. But..were can we go?" Momma asked.

Elena said nothing but summoned a magic portal and pushed all of us through it. I was very worried about Papa. I never seen him so angry. But then I remembered. He's immortal and hopefully Fafir pays. "Don't worry Lu. Zuma is strong and I know he'll do it. Were we are goin. Most the survivors even Psion and Nea are there. Right now Neo is a war zone. Close your eyes and rest. Grandma will wake you once we arrived.

I did as she said well sort of and talked with Aether she said she sensed massive earthquakes and typhoons forming in Papa's general direction. I prayed anyway to whatever deity was listening and silently hoped Papa was victorious.

"So..The Death God finally had a switch. Now I see Skyra was more outwardly expressive. You just seethe in it. That hate,that regret and that raw emotion hehe. I never would have taken Death as a heart felt being. What happened to the being called Lord Unknown. You lived up to the enigma that was your very nature.

Killing the foolish,unlucky and stupid. How ironic that one such as you are about to die also." Fafir said. Zuma stood there saying nothing but feeling rage and contempt. "You RAPED my youngest daughter and threaten to do it again. You made sexual advances towards my WIFE. You ABUSED AND BEATEN your own daughter after she begged for mercy. Fafir. Not even the devil himself would want you.

But unfortunately. Death came early. Pay with your blood." He said punching the evil god breaking his jaw and hurtling him into the sky. Massive gust of wind formed. They were actually tearing bits of flesh off Fafir's body. All of this I sensed from talking with Aether. The two seemed evenly match. Until Papa grabbed him by his throat. He smiled while his mouth was busted open. Blood trickled down his cheek.

"He..hehe..if you kill me..Than your daughter will never reveal her funny I named my kid that because she was suppose to be a even nemesis for Luna."

He giggled before stabbing Papa.