Quick notes

If you knew the original, or old version then you'll notice I've changed quite a few things.

Worldwise nothing has changed, it still starts Modern, and I now have an 'Outline' for the next worlds I would like to do, visiting a little bit of everything to satisfy my urge really, but I will be looking for recommendations, or idea's if people have them.

So the whole. 'No magic in the start world' will be scrapped. What kind of idiot gets a system, then doesn't use it to do what no one else could?

I gave Jacob a military background to give him a jumpstart to the knowledge he already knows.

The system has been changed a bit to no longer include levels or stats. I realized whereas I don't mind writing about systems, I do not like writing stats. Putting numbers to things just doesn't feel right. Then after a while, he'd get to a level of let's just say Wisdom that I couldn't write for. Do I have a good mind that can think out tons of ideas for a single subject? Sure, but after a while, I won't be able to see 'All' of them, like Jacob, would. Nor would is my IQ going to mystically raise with Jacob's. I wish it did though.

Think dexterity would make it so I could type faster?

With that aside, the novel does have a plan now unlike the first one, things will happen a bit faster while other things happen a bit slower. Romance as a whole? Eh... Maybe? There is a possibility, but for the first world, maybe the second as well it will just be hookups to fulfill sexy times

Back to the stats, there was an idea of bringing a sort of mastery thing, but I realized that quickly became stupid. Unlike in games, Magic or martial arts wouldn't be a 'Tree' that you can max out.

Because at one point, let's say I 'Master' flame magic, but then suddenly I now know how to further I can push it, how I can change its nature. Maybe I learned how to make a flame capable of healing?

Stuff like that, and whereas there is a cultivation tag. (Which side note, fuck the new tag system.)

I am not going to start naming shit like a cultivation novel, I am not going to become a supreme deity supreme soul king lord universal throne star cultivator type shit.

No, the cultivation in mind for the novel is simply refining his mana so he can cast more, and large spells eventually, and refining his body, cleansing impurities, stuff like that to help him grow stronger.

I will keep a status sheet that will hold a basic description of what, and or 'Who' Jacob is at the time of each start of the Arc, and the End.

So for people interested in what he's capable of along with a brief insight into his abilities can just look at that chapter which stats what Arc it's for, most likely determined by 'Worlds'., then head back to the novel for reading. If people skim over this and move one, then complain about spoilers? I'm going to point and laugh, and so will my loyal readers, and we're going to move on and let you weep.

Also, Jacob's a badass through and through. The only time he'll let someone monologue is if he finds amusement in it, he's not going to let people power up. This is a novel about a normal guy who fought in some small wars, being given the power to become a basic, overrated God, he's not going to gloat, he's not going to laugh to the heavens and spit on mortals, no he's just going to do guy stuff. buffet