Prologue: a regular Monday morning

(A/N this is a taster the chaps will begin on Friday I hope you enjoy never liked intros pain in the ass to write)






At school this Saturday was a Saturday just like any other for class 1-S long boring and tedious each and every person in this class has their own talent whether it be academic skills, god level sports players or descendants of ancient clans in total there were 33 class members and their teacher Mrs Mira.

Many Believe the life of a genius of 1-S is easy they are funded by the school with everything Money, food or clothing the school provides the best to its elites that is the rule of Kamiyama high of Tokyo. However beneath all the glamour and splendour is always a flip side a 'dark side of the moon if you will.' Pressure those who are at the top have the most to lose. If they succeed people tolerate it just believing that their geniuses it's to be expected whilst if they fail... a single wrong step could cause them to fall down like the tower of babel humans will try to touch the sky only to be forced down by the cruel nature of humanity.

There were two leaders of class 1-S Rachel a blonde girl with golden eyes and freckles who was always smiling and a social butterfly who always was kind to everybody who was the leader of the classroom (A/N for those who read WEBTOON you can see her real personality a mile away). The second leader was called Crystal who was different to Rachel she had black unkept shaggy hair that fell to her waist, Apathetic eyes with deep bags beneath her eyes and a hatred for hypocrisy.

To her those with the brightest smiles were more likely than not faking it and those who seemed the brightest always had the longest shadows. If anyone asked her a question despite how offensive the answer may be she would always answer honestly for to her the cold hard truth was better than avoiding it all in fear of being labelled as 'politically incorrect.' A trait she inherited from her father Aizawa a former lawyer before his tragic accident.

Her classmates avoid her all together to avoid the dead looking gaze in her eyes the only exception being Rachel her childhood friend who she at least mild trusted... well mildly was a lie she put all her trust in her too Crystal she was the only pure human worth bothering about knowing her since childhood how could she not trust her.


'My god why do the elites like us need extra classes I could be at home dealing with my side gig as a hired detective *sigh* honestly I understand how L from death note felt knowing almost everyone was inferior to him. I wish I had my own Light someone who I could fight with all my might and have a chance at loosing instead of this monotonous routine.'

As I looked forward I saw out teacher Mrs Mira walk in on her usual attire. 'Hmm excessive make up on the neck and face a hickey perhaps and her stride gate is average meaning no sex was involved by the teachers actions there is a 87% chance the recipient was female. By the looks of her micro expressions she's pissed maybe it's no... that was 3 days ago most likely a one night stand' I thought with my usual non caring attitude.

Our teacher began roll call.

"Rachel".... "here"

"Jess".... "here"

This continued until my name which was at the bottom was left "Waste".... "here" the teacher never liked me not that the feelings nor mutual but still makes my life more irritating. *sigh* dear any god who can heat me make my life more interesting.


As if to answer the wishes of the eternally bored girl a large glowing formation appeared on the ground. Many screamed or cried for help whereas the ever bored Crystal just calmly walked towards the door and attempted to open it. 'Jammed huh well let's try the windows.' Whilst everyone else was worrying about what would happen next she remained calm.

"No exits huh well at least something interesting finally happened" muttered Crystal beneath her breath. As she thought this a blinding flash appeared in the middle of the class sucking in all things around them changing the scenery to a world made of pure white nothing around them besides the floor they all stood on and a elderly man upon a throne with 7 men besides him with angelic faces with no blemishes or scars the women swooned whilst the men cried tears of blood.

All except one Crystal who contrary to her usual bored expressionless face had a feral grin on her face. Nothing could make her happier than the unknown a place that wasn't predictable was something she always wished for yet she still tried to analyse them 'the man on the throne is the leader clearly and is strange he gives no micro expressions impossible for a human it's possible to change but not get rid of them... he's not human nor are those 7 dolls'

The man before them all looked towards them stoically as if they were nothing but mere ants he could crush with the slightest thought. Looking at them he spoke loudly with a voice that could entrance trillion of men and women alike. "I am the one above all he who created all in existence and the ruler of 8 of the 9 realms. You mortals due to your extreme talent have been selected to save many worlds from the corruption of the embodiments of evil do you accept"

Without hesitation they all replied one by one with a simple word 'yes' including the teacher. The god before them he looked around before staring hard at Crystal as if confused about something though quickly returning to neutrality.

"However..." he said as the class gulped down the saliva in their rapidly drying throats. "There is only enough space for 33 people but since your teacher being here was unpredictable you have two choices. 1: return to your former lives with your memories and talents erased. Or option 2: send one of you into the void... it is a horrid fate for everyone much much worse than death it is eternal suffering that never ends not ever." Crystal saw where this was going... well Rachel will find a way probably.


"My memories after that became blurry with a reddish hue. This 'god' teleported us to a cliff side with a edge that fell into eternal darkness. Everyone surrounded me pushing me down my dragging me too the edge before throwing me in that's all I remember strange for someone like me with photographic memory now who are you... Mrs?"

The figure before me grinned stepping out she was a deeply tanned woman with blue markings across her entire body and enlarged canines with a feral vibe... "I am your chance at vengeance"