Chapter Seven: The Stranger's Interest

The stranger watched the two women chatter, observing how at first they had seemed to have an argument and then reverted to a light calming conversation. It was alluring to see how they didn't create a loud drama for spectators.

And when it seemed as though they had caught the eye of the public, they kept calm and didn't entertain it, which made him proud to know that he had chosen well. For decades he had been sent out to find one for the king but never had he been satisfied.

Yet when he saw her, something seemed to enchant him to her. The woman ignored everything around her but her mother. She carried herself with dignity and comfortability which was rare to see.

Yet he wanted to see more before he could alert the king about her. He wanted to see if she was truly worthy and if she was the one that could be the Queen. The stranger always took his time with his prey, he needed to understand his subject before making a solid decision. That way he would avoid mistakes.

Although this was true, it didn't mean that he hadn't made mistakes before, it was because of the mistakes that he had learned to do what was right. To be patient, especially with humans.

Humans were fragile but very different, he wanted to make sure that she wasn't the type to be selfish and prideful. He had nearly chosen humans like that and when he had seen their façade crack, he had to wash his hands just to remove the stain of his sins.

In his world, things weren't as free as on earth, things weren't as carefree as their lives here. In his world, everything moved with accordance. There had to be a purpose for every decision.

So he knew that over decades of roaming the earth that the woman here was tricker than the ones on earth. Some could lie without much thought, others were talented in the way they moved when it came to alluring man.

Then there were those that were shy and obedient. Those who were loud and ignorant. Those that wouldn't betray everyone for what they wanted. Those that would lay their lives for the people they loved.

And though the stranger had found women who were good and innocent. He knew the king would only use them for his own benefit and throw them away when he was satisfied. He needed one that carried a balance within herself. One that was good but knew when to test the balance.

One that knew when to fight and when to accept defeat. Although he had found women like that, he knew they weren't as captivating as her. They weren't as alluring as her and they weren't as powerful as her.

When he watched Aria, he could feel the power inside of her growing but because of the ignorance of the generation before her. she knew nothing, leaving her defenseless to what was to come.

The young woman was beautiful and could charm anyone with her smile. Her beauty seemed to be a siren because when the stranger turned to observe the public around her. He noticed men watch her with curiosity, some with wives and others alone. He could smell the fear on them, the fear of rejection.

They all wanted her but reserved themselves from trying. All doubting their capabilities. Typical humans. Always doubting the possibilities, allowing their insecurities to push them into a dark space.

It was always alluring to watch a man with a huge pride drool over a doll but fear a woman with morals. At times he preferred watching the humans and listening to their internal battles than watching his own world's fights.

He would always find it fascinating to just listen to their heartbeat with so much excitement for a chase that was barely even a chase. They downgraded their woman who had more morals, forgetting that those were the ones that they needed.

The stranger let out a small chuckle, knowing that things might work in his favor as long as the man didn't approach her. He didn't want to stain his hands with another useless life for no reason.

Yet he figured it would benefit him if a man did approach her, just to see how well she worked with a companion. All he needed to do was test her and see what would happen.

He wondered if it would be best if the King came to take his place for a bit, just so that he could watch his reaction but knowing how unpredictable the king was he figured it might just cause a problem.

The king was a picky man, that's why his own mother had made sure that someone chooses on behalf of him. But maybe it would be best if the king came to watch her on his own, if he approved he would find the right time to whisk her away.

But for now, he would just sit down and watch.