Chapter Nine: Guarding Secrets

Jameson Calvin is perfect.

No, I don't think you understand when I say this, he is perfect, he is the definition of proper and attractive. He had no marks or blemishes on his face. His hair was the perfect type of curly that any girl would love to run her fingers through and tug.

He had these dimples that popped out that could make any woman swoon and leave their partner without a second thought. When he gave you his best smile, you couldn't help but want to melt in front of him.

His body was always the right type of fit, nothing ever missing or too much. His eyes could easily draw you in and at times, they could easily change on his moods. When he wanted to flirt or he was flirty, he would give you this certain type of look that made you want to take off your panty at that moment.

He could make you forget all the morals that your mother or father taught you.

When he spoke, his voice was just the right tone of balance. It was smooth and at times as sweet as honey. At times, if he desired, he could make it huskier and darker shaming Christian Grey or the guy from 365 days.

He dressed well and was neat, his smell could have you daydreaming about how it would be to sleep in his arms and to just listen to his heartbeat. When he dressed he could match every mood, every occasion, and every outline. He barely, in fact, rarely needed help picking and choosing what he desired.

His personality was one that could easily flow with different types of people, it was one that could change your mind about him maybe being a fuck boy, playboy or just the rich kid. Charming, easy-going, polite, a sweetheart, funny, dark but open and so much more could define him.

Jameson Calvin was perfect

That was before the world that his parents controlled, forbid him from being who he truly was, a boy who was unique and not other boys. A boy whose innocence was alluring and favored but not to the people he truly loved.

The first time Jameson and I met, was during auditions. We were paired together for a duet for the song hometown by twenty-one pilots. We were required to come up with a performance that could lead us to a role and the amount of time we were given was only five minutes to prepare.

I had thought it was ridiculous and wanted to argue with the judges but Jameson saw different. He suggested combining what we both knew and going with the flow. I wanted to smack the shit out of him but I realized he was right.

We landed that role and have been with the same company for seven years. We moved easily together and the producers always remarked how it seemed as though we were meant to be with one another.

I remember being approached by so many people as Jameson and I's friendship grew, we were constantly asked how long had we been dating but no one could see that there was no relationship.

I guess the fact that we accompanied each other to the awards ceremonies and posted each other on social media didn't help. It really seemed as though we had painted a picture of celebrity dance couples but that wasn't it.

I had been in relationships that James knew about, he had to but we never bothered to be exclusive with them. We knew what the spotlight was like so when things shifted we sort of stuck together.

Which started exposing a lot of things. I began to see James' bruises at times, other times I could see him lose focus when he needed to do certain things, and then there were times where nobody could see him surviving on autopilot.

Days where there was no James but obedient James, days where he would cry in his private room and then cover it with a joke. Saying that I had made him laugh, and being the friend that I was I wanted nothing more but to protect him.

Jameson was there when I couldn't function myself, days where I felt like breaking down but it never bothered me that James was suffering more than me for being perfect. While other kids wished to replace stars and have their lavish lives, we at times wished to be them.

To just have a normal talk with our families and friends. To go out and not stress about cameras capturing our every move and judging us for doing something different or normal.

James had it worse because his family had an image to preserve and James wasn't that type of perfect. He had his struggles and it was becoming harder and harder to hide them.

So when I asked him to take off his leather jacket and shirt. To lie down in my bed and get some rest, I never expected to clean up the amount of blood I did from the whips that didn't seem to stop attacking him.

At first, it was tiny bruises, then it had shifted to cuts and then something else. It was always something from his father. Trying to maintain a certain image to protect the legacy. So when he could see that his son was starting to get a bit loose from the chains he set for him.

He would reel him in, with threats and warnings. If that didn't work it would be something worse, worse than what was laid right in front of me. one that I would have to clean up as usual.

So you see James was perfect and I was stuck guarding his secrets because I wasn't ready to let my friend lose his life for being different.