Chapter Eleven: Singing & Glances

Music: Like that by Bea Miller then switch to Shutter Island By Jessie Reyez



"When you treat me like that, when you treat me like that

It's pushin' me harder, it's pushin' me harder

When you breakin' my back, when you breakin' my back

I only get stronger, I only get stronger

I should've walked away one year ago

When you said I wouldn't make it out alive

When you treat me like that, when you treat me like that

I only get stronger, I only get stronger

When you treat me like that"

He sang, yes he, meaning James, who was supposed to be on bed rest but decided to drag me out. So that he could go to karaoke, so now he was on stage, singing Bea Miller's track.

Honestly, I think it was what we both needed but at the same time, I felt uneasy being outside and watching him act as though nothing happened but this was who James was.

He strived on being able to act in both realities and behind cameras. I guess it made him feel like he had more control over certain areas of his life and that was well understood.

But sometimes I wished James would just let it all out and not only come to me when he needed aid. I would always be here for him but I figured the only way to help him was to be at his side.

Yet that didn't put my heart at ease because honestly, something felt extremely off.

"Why you wanna see me bleed?

Why you wanna watch me fall apart?

Try to find the worst in me

But I won't follow you into the dark"

He sang as he slowly raised his finger to me. As if saying that he was singing to me but I knew it wasn't, the watchers on the other hand… did not seem to take it as a joke.

Here's the thing, when I say James is perfect, I mean he is perfect.

Besides acting, dancing, and modeling. He could sing better than James Author, in fact, almost as good as some of the members of BTS. Trust me that was hard to admit at first but I had to come to terms with it.

So when he sang this song, his voice was smooth and calculated. He had control and it felt as though honey was dripping off his tongue. As if he was a siren with no disadvantage. He knew how to keep your attention on him no matter what.

So when I noticed tears brimming and gasps spread throughout the room. I knew he had gotten the crowd into the palm of his hands. If only he could get his father under the same spell, his life would be heaven.

Feeling a presence next to me, I turned to find a stranger take a seat next to me.

"Sorry sir but the big douche singing on that stage has this seat reserved for him," I mumbled as I turned my attention back to James, who had chosen to sing another song. I recognized it as Shutter Island by Jessie Reyez.

"The goodbyes are getting old

Next time you can go ahead and go

I'm tired of begging you to love me

Goodness, gracious, you're amazing

According to you, I'm a lucky lady

So why'd you lie to me?

Why do I cry to sleep?"

"My man told me that you were quite a beauty and at first I didn't believe it. Until I travelled quite a far distance and now I look at you. I look at you and I wonder how could he call you beautiful when that word doesn't even deserve to match you." He said, his voice was slightly deep but smooth.

"Nice compliment but that doesn't work on me." I said, turning to ignore him "Plus I don't even know you." I said.

"My straight jacket's custom-made though (with fucking diamonds)

My straight jacket's custom-made though (with fucking rubies)

I'm crazy just like Galileo

My straight jacket's custom-made though

You keep hitting, I've been bruised

Holy field I can't hear you

I'm tired of begging you to love me"

"That is quite obvious but I'm hoping to be like your world's fairytale stories. Since that's the only way I can make you fall for me," he said.

I snorted, continuing to watch James perform the song in acoustic.

"Let me entertain you and ask which one?"

"Let's say Shrek."

"Good pick, at least you can sense that I'm not like other females."

"Well, I'm hoping that's accurate especially since many women would have told someone about the note they picked up which had their specific details." He teased.

I felt my entire being go still as I realized this could be the stranger who I had followed but if he wasn't who was he.

"How do you know that?" I whispered, as I slowly turned to face him but he had disappeared.

Holy mother of cross fit.