Chapter Eighteen: Dinner With Mr. Big Mouth

The sound of the clinking of the plates was heard as we entered his apartment, he had let us in and told us to get settled as he got the food for us. Mom being who she was hurridly offered to help him. So now I was here craning my neck trying to make sure there was no sneaking in secret kisses.

"Relax," James said.

"This is aggravating, why did I even agree to this?" I groaned.

"Because it's the right thing to do. If it helps we can make inappropriate comments here and there." he offered.

"See this is why you're my best friend. You know me too well, I have a feeling you already have a comment."

"Definitely, he has lips of a catfish, literally." He started.

"You lie!" I whisper yelled as my eyes went wide at the thought, I hadn't even thought of that.

"I swear, pay attention," he whispered back.

"Oh my gosh, so we're literally staring at Spongebob right now?" I teased.

"Baby. not even staring, we are definitely in one, I'm just trying to figure out if they turned us into live characters or if we're all gonna turn into fish." he chuckled.

I nearly died laughing at the thought.

"You're so evil," I giggled.

"Hey, I'm delivering what the lady asked am I wrong for that?" he asked.

"No, you're not but wait listen..."


Silence. Complete silence, there wasn't any sound of dishes or water, nothing, Looking at each other, we remained quiet as we tried to figure out what was going on. Locking eyes with each other, we slowly stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as we peeked around the corner, I let out a scream so loud everyone jumped. I felt as though someone had thrown acid towards my eyes, trying to make me blind. And if that was the goal they had surely succeeded.

"Help! Someone Help my mother! A man is trying to swallow my mother whole!" I screamed.

James fell backwards laughing hysterically at the moment, Aria seemed extremely serious as she watched her mother blush furiously and the big mouthed catfish turn shy. They both had suddenly turned into a bunch of teenagers and she was highly disgusted.

Aria wanted nothing more than to slap the man silly for touching his mother, she wanted nothing more but to spank her mother for acting in such a manner, knowing that her daughter wasn't far out of sight.

James could see Aria was holding on to losing her shit and she wondered what would make her snap soon, he didn't want to offer comfort yet because he found the situation to be funny. Yet he knew if that was his mother and another man, that man would be on the floor out cold from the beating he would deliver personally.

At that point, he wouldn't care about being arrested. So he knew how she felt at the moment.

"Let's all have dinner..." Eliana started as she turned to her daughter, slightly flushed that her daughter had walked in on them making out.

Eliana hadn't been touched for a very long time so when they accidentally bumped into each other while trying to set up dinner. She had felt the atmosphere change and couldn't help it when Harry immediatly kissed her.

They had tried to pull apart but they were so wrapped up in the moment that they forgot about their guests, herr daughter and her friend. This thought slightly unnerved them as they wondered what would she do.

"I'll go get the catfish in the oven, you guys are going to love the spices and sauces I used." Harry said, as he tried to change the scenery.

Only for James to laugh louder, making Aria more vivid.

"Jameson," she growled, making him instantly to stop laughing.


"Let's go." she said as she got off the floor, slightly dusting her dress.

Aria couldn't stomach what she had just witnessed, it slightly made her mad because she wasn't ready to see her mother enter into a relationship she had no idea about. She wanted to keep her mother safe but she seemed to not want her daughter to meddle into her affairs.

So Aria thought a night out in the wild was better than nothing, not realizing that might be her last night with her mother.