Chapter Twenty-One: Royalty Hatred

The sound of the door being opened again caught the attention of the two royalties. One who was filled with anger and another who wanted nothing more than to continue laughing at the poor woman who had gambled with her heart.

The king was known throughout the kingdom to have a slithering tongue, always smart and cunning but forever wise. For years he ruled his kingdom with strict advisors but with a taste of deceit yet none of this ever came easy to him.

He still had rules to follow, still had to ensure that he provided some light even though darkness resided in his heart. His people never complained nor have they cried about never being heard, he had made sure there was nothing to cry about, nothing to run to the king about because the king wasn't always the king.

The king was once a peasant, the king once had nothing until he killed the true king and gained his powers. Who had known things would turn out to be so sweet to him but so bittersweet to the other royalties.

For years they banged and demanded a breed stronger than him, wanting to have him killed because his blood was not pure. And oh, how right they were when they had discovered that fact. He nearly threw them a party for being so wise and not as stupid as they looked.

There were times when he wished to swap the positions of the royalties with the peasants, just so that they could see how useless they were at times and how much the peasants worked harder for what they desired and needed. But he knew that would only spark more good than bad.

So when time continued to pass, he slowly gave the people more for their work and helped them build better homes for their children. He made sure that there was schooling and more, that way there would be nothing different about them but he still needed to maintain a difference. The hierarchy was still believed in here and he understood why.

It was needed and the king also understood that power was what maintained difference, not many had gifts and the ones born with them would have more control towards the ones who didn't. Every three months, they were found and gathered then separated according to their power and at times he enjoyed watching them lose in touch with their past because he knew when the time came, things would be different.

Though he gained the power differently, he had to maintain the power even if it meant doing something that painted him as a harsh king. As the dark king and one who found humor in breaking down one who once had power.

"My king." he heard and slowly turned his attention to another presence.

The young man walked forward, the sound of his boots was clearly heard and his face was covered by the dark cloak. He knew who the man was without even having to question him but others didn't.

Many tried to figure out who he was, day in and day out, trying to draw close but not close enough to be killed. Because what uncertainty did to them was draw them in but they had seen too many try and be brave only to be killed within a matter of seconds. No one would bother to clean it up or cry because everyone knew it was unwise.

It was better for one to learn from experience than be told about it.

"Lady Charlotte, thank you for gracing me with your presence but please do take your leave" he instructed, his aura and voice changing to one of a king and not one looking to be playful.

Charlotte stared at the king, slightly still angered but knew when the time to pick a fight was so she bit her tongue, bowed, and turned to walk away. As soon as she reached the door, she heard him say,

"Make sure to leave the castle with your belongings, Lady Charlotte, thank you."

Charlotte turned around quickly, shocked at the command at hand, where would she go. He had taken her out of her parents home, what would she say if she returned with her entire belongings. She would have brought shame to her family name, to the royalty fraction.

So little courage that she had she simply stated, "Never" and left, closing the doors with a loud bang. Not caring if she would be beheaded for how she spoke to him or even defied him.

She would make sure to ruin whatever chances he had with whoever this woman was, she would make sure to have her blood for breakfast. The king would return to her whether he wanted to or not.

He messed with the wrong royalty.