Chapter Thirty: Deals With Devils (part one)

Song recommended: Hate myself by NF

Have it on loop!



"She won't make it..."

"I hate you!"

"How could you!"


"The damages are too severe to repair."

"I love you mom"

"Leave me"



"This is all your fault!"

"Aria! Stop!

"I hate you!"

Ghosts are known to haunt those that they have unfinished business with, in fact, they are well known to show whoever they wish what they've done or demand justice. Ghosts were always said to not be real, to be myths but when one is young, ghosts could be friends with anyone or the other way around.

Sometimes those imaginary friends could be ghosts of someone who understands the living better and they are willing to help or at least listen. They at least see things that transpire in the dark and though not all can help physically, they are at least there.

Just like Casper the ghost.

Yet the ghosts that seemed to haunt Aria down weren't friendly, they were angry and they wished to tear her apart any way they could. They wanted her to see what her actions had resulted in and it drove her nuts, it drove her to the edge of insanity.

They chased her down as though she was a serial killer, they demanded justice, they demanded it all including her life and Aria wasn't ready to give it to them. She wanted her apologies to be enough for them to stomach and be gone once they were full. She wanted them to see her remorse that way they could let her rest and give her mother peace of mind and not a stamp of death.

Aria wanted the ghosts to stop chasing her so that she could tell them to build a time machine so that she could at least go back in time and drag her past away from the biggest mistake she ever made. She would gladly be the one to take all those bullets, just so that her mother could get out of that critical stage and do as her heart yearned.

To love and be loved again.

Yet they would not hear it, so they chased after her, closing in with every breath she took as though wild animals their jaws snapped at her heels and was not fast enough. She was new in this and she knew that death might as well have set a bounty on her head knowing that she was an easy target.

She didn't know whether to turn around and let them have her. Let them devour her very soul and let her pay for the consequences. She was willing, she wasn't stubborn and they all knew that. But her fears had turned her into a brat that disrespected her very own mother and she didn't know what would be enough.

So she might as well do what was necessary, so when she got to the very edge, she stopped and the ghosts all went quiet, watching with a thrill of excitement. Wondering if she would throw her very temple and let the mountain snap her in two as if she was nothing but a memory.

So she decided to let the world hear her, she would not easily part from it quietly as she had not entered it like that. When a child is born, it announces itself and though many are happy when the child arrives, she now would part with no one to grieve her but herself.

She would let the ghosts torment her ghost, at least, no one would be able to see her. She would make dealings and curve into her skin to create markings. She would tell the world that pain is forever inevitable, no matter how rich or poor you are.

There are levels to this.

So she let it out hoping that everyone would hear her, hoping that someone would try and rescue her, that someone would save her dying mother. She needed a miracle and she didn't care if she sold her very soul for that wish.

But then she stopped and wondered that it would be best, to prepare her mothers bed, that way when she arrived she would know how much she cared. To Aria, death seemed like the only option so she figured why not as she stepped closer to the edge.