Chapter Thirty-Six: Perspectives (part two)

The doctor's expression was as good as a sword, it already drew much blood without much effort and it caused fear to course through the blood stream of its victim. They all watched his expression and each deciphered it differently but all had the suffered under the same power of it.

James could feel the room change and he knew that if a penny were to drop it would heard without a doubt. He could see the quick expressions pass through Harry's face as though flashes and he knew that the man was terrified to lose the woman he cared about.

He could also see that he feared the wrath of the woman's daughter and that was understandable, why would he not fear it? A smart man would and it caused him to wonder what would happen to his very own friends being.

Would she survive and still let herself mourn?


would she just take everything in and shut everyone out?

And from what James could see, it was clear as day, that pain had settled in and all the confusion about whether or not what he had seen was clear or not went out the window.

James wanted to comfort her for the news that were coming but what was there to comfort when the blow wasn't delivered. This was their fear, their fear of losing an amazing woman who mattered to all of them and rightfully so.

James knew that Aria would blame herself and it would break him because she was so used to being strong that it ached in her heart to find shelter to release all the pain. All the resentment towards man for what they had done and it was okay to, but she was letting it get to her head and he was afraid that she would lose herself in it.

He was afraid of losing his best friend, doctor and helper. His very own angel in his darkness. James had seen a lot of things in life and met different people, but Aria was different.

He slightly reminded her of Arial the mermaid, always so curious to know and have but so scared to try because once the evil mermaid had tricked her. Her ambitions reminded him of a young girl that just wanted happiness but not at the expense of others.

She would literally give her life for the happiness and safety of those who were in pain. She had proven it so many times to him and James didn't understand what it felt like until she taught him.

She had taught him what it was like to fight and to remain steady in your passions. To always have your eyes open for opportunities but to be cautious about the risks and side effects.

She wasn't perfect and this moment, this moment proved it to him. It proved how the dancer was afraid of reality and that's why a dream felt like a siren. Constantly drawing her in and never leaving her dry like reality. How the sun could touch her skin but how her passion could never leave a mark on her.

And even if she was to be hurt or to fall or to take time reaching her destiny. She would be free and she deserved those wings, yet now she had to realize that it was okay to be human because at the end of the day we are all frail and fragile but at the same time so, so beautiful.

And that's what he saw when he looked at her every time and though he wasn't a man to be perfectly narrow, he knew where to give credit when it was due and though her father was an asshole he would have to thank him one day when all the resentment was gone and all that took place was a smile that reprimanded the atheist that God doesn't exist.

And though he was once one, the little moments with Eliana were enough for him to see the reasons why he doubted. And though he hadn't run to her church, she remembered the little conversations they had and shared when Aria was still asleep.

"Are you saved James?" he remembered her asking as she prepared breakfast,

"No ma'am" he said without hesitation.

"Oh, how come?"

"How come I'm not saved or how come I don't believe in a God or an idol?"

"How come you don't believe in the power of faith?"

"Faith is works that happen in something that has taken place and now you need to hope that it will go in accordance of your heart, which is like a fifty fifty."

"Yet for some reason you belive in its power." She snickered.

"That's because I know what I put my faith in for it to be real."

"Can you see it and touch it? Better yet taste it?" she questioned

"No ma'am."

"Yet there is your faith, birthing what is in accordance of your heart. This is life and it isn't easy, in fact, this was the original Jumanji and no one can argue with it. Just because there wasn't facts on how the faith works, it just went in accordance and it was written down.

No one knew how words sounded, yet one or two or more gathered and sounded it out it, they all were in agreement of it and that it how it was born. But how special is faith that not even one can touch it, but the work it does, saves an entire race or being.

Being saved isn't about following a certain religion but it's about understanding how faith is and how it is needed without one having to force it down your throat as life has forced you to breathe its oxygen. Yet if you want to end it, it shall be painful, but will it be worth it to escape?"

She had left him pondering over her words for days and now that he looked at Eliana and the doctor, she realized how faith could be powerful but also dangerous to the faint hearted.