Chapter Fifty_Five: The Color Of Earth

Aria stepped out with Quin from her room, her heels announcing themselves as she walked forward. "A Queen walks with dignity but humbleness, you don't want people thinking that you are mean before they get to know you. They need to see you and be smitten but still respect you enough to not run to you as though you are a… public clown master."

"Your back must be straight at all times, keep a small smile- no not forced or not big- you will look constipated, yes gentler. Not cunning. Make sure you keep your steps calm and unrushed, otherwise everyone will assume there's trouble and even if there's trouble, you must never ever show them, keep it to yourself." Quin instructed, showing her by demonstrating. Keeping her body straight but not like a snob, Aria could see from how the woman moved that her steps were humble and she began to slowly copy her.

"That's it, perfect, no no, don't seem unsure or get too excited you will lose the little you have gained. Yes, perfect, keep that face and that movement. Let's go into this room that way we can continue", she said and opened the door to a hall, the room was huge and spacious.

Aria was sure she had never seen it before but she was sure it was where people dined, even though she had never dined in here she could already feel the different auras in here. It made a shiver run through her and she wondered why she felt all the different auras when she was still learning them.

"That's because you are learning and absorbing, not just listening and groaning which is very good. Now, this is the room where Ministers, Kings, and Queens of all beings dine when important events or meetings are held. As you can see there are different colors and prints, which all represent the different kingdoms, realms. We even have one for the earth, can you guess which one it is?" she asked. 

Aria looked at the table and began walking towards it, she didn't know why but she bent down and began to smell the different clothes for the different realms. Taking in deep breaths as she tried to know which scent belonged to which color, which realm. As soon as she took a deep smell of the black cloth, she felt a shiver spread through her and her body felt as though she was in ecstasy. Her head rolled back as she let it run through her and when she felt the high die down she turned her head to Quin who gave her a secret smile.

"Remember this is the dark kingdom, we are meant to represent everything dark, so we are meant to allure and put one in a trance so that we can use their darkness to our advantage. Plus it's a good thing that you can smell and feel it, it means that you are connecting well with the kingdom's roots, many go through the feeling for too long. It took you seconds, a new record. Now continue," she said

And Aria went around, sniffing until she reached a green one and her heart felt heavy as she bent down and took a deep sniff. Her mind suddenly felt as though she was running through a forest. She felt her memories shift and replay her memories from when she was young, playing in the garden. The water hose accidentally flying and wetting her and her mother.

She remembered the smell of the road and the smell of rain, it all came back and blended with her mind. She let out a smile as her tears rolled down her cheeks and she instantly knew, which was this. It smelled of home and home was where all the bittersweet memories laid at peace and she wouldn't have it any other way.

So she turned to Quin and whispered, "Earth, Green because of all the life, nature, light, and darkness. All revolving around each other as though a chain that couldn't be broken. If it ever was, there would be a great unbalance, on every single realm."

"Perfection." She heard and turned her head to see a group of different beings standing behind her as well as Silver, who looked slightly pissed and she didn't know if it was because she was in the room or if it was because of how she was dressed.

"Royals, we welcome you, we had not known that you would all be here today otherwise we would have been somewhere else. I hope all has gone in your favor," she heard Quin say as she came to stand next to her.

"All is alright but I want to know who is the human behind you with that aura, it is fascinating. I see a bit of each color and it amazes me as I have never seen this since the last woman but she lacked two or three colors. Yet judging from her attire, I take it she is unspoken for", the man said, his eyes a bright green making Aria seem as though she was slightly being entangled by roots.

'Don't lock eyes with him, he might be human but he has too many gifts, remember what Sal taught you.' She heard and she instantly put up a strong guard, shutting everyone out by Quin. 'Good, keep that small smile and make sure to not let them take a step close, though we want to irk them and keep them curious we don't want them touching you.'

"She's a strong one this one, her eyes seem to shift color and her mind is so guarded. You cannot be new, but I haven't seen you before," the man said as he slowly began to take steps forward. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you all, may we continue?" she said slowly, moving the attention back to Quin, who easily smiled and nodded.

"At least a name will do," the man said

"One day when it's important," she said and slowly bowed, following Quins' steps to leave though wondering why she felt as though this wasn't over.