Chapter Seventy_One: Cheers To Desire (Part two).

Aria wasn't convinced by his words nor was she moved by the way he looked at her. Her heart was heavy and filled with sorrow. Her mind replayed memories of her homeland. She wanted to weep as she reaped over her choices.

She had hoped that life would become better as she had been groomed seeing the worst of it but instead here she was. Staring at the man that might as well be referred to as the devils' gatekeeper.

She was sure that he controlled the souls that entered here and gave the required punishments. Yet she could see that he lived in his own kind of hell. His own kind of prison. To be arranged but to choose who they love willing.

What a pity, she thought, to always rule but be ruled at the same time.

"Leave me…" she whispered as she turned away from him and continued to look at the view by the window. She ignored him and numbed her emotions. Tired of being tired. Tired of being emotionally frustrated. Tired of the confusion.

Tired of him.

"For some reason, I can't." He said softly. She sighed heavily, feeling the slight temper in her rising. "Not today okay, I just want to be alone. I will deal with your controlling personality tomorrow. I will deal with your bipolar responses tomorrow but today, just… just let me be." I said.

Pushing away from the chair, yet before I could head to the door, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest. "Let me go!" I snapped, feeling my chest tighten with emotions. He placed his hand on her head, holding her tightly close but she could still hear him whisper.

Yet not enough to understand the words whispered.

When she finally broke free from him, she was about to yell until a certain scent drifted to her nose. Her eyes begun to tear when she recognized the smell and she turned to see that she was in her room.

Her very bedroom in her mother's home.

Not waiting for another second, she began to head to the door, needing to see her mother. Needing to see and feel her warmth. Needing to dig herself deeper into her comfort. Needing to cry in her mother's arms. Needing to apologize to her for everything that she had done.

"Aria… wait." She heard him say but she didn't care. She needed her mother. But when she got to the top of the stairs that gave her the ability to overlook the house at the bottom. She noticed something was off.

The usual bright house seemed to be dark and she could hear the sniffles coming from the kitchen. Hurrying down the stairs, she noticed that there were people in the dining area.

All dressed in black.

She slowed down her steps and observed everyone. Waiting for someone to see her and yet they all moved as though they were invisible. She turned to the kitchen and found her mother, baking. Her shoulders shook as she cried quietly. She carried on her task as though nothing was going on.

She could see Harry at the corner, watching her mother with a sad yet worried gaze. The pain was quite evident as he sat quietly. A tear escaped his right eye and he was quick to wipe it away. Hiding it from her mother.

"Mother…" she whispered, unsure of what was happening and why there was such a dark aura in her mother's home. She walked closer to her mother yet when her mother turned to head to the oven. She paused. For a second, she hoped that her mother could see her.

That her mother would smile and see her. That this darkness would be chased away but it didn't seem as though it would be. Because suddenly her mother walked right through her and Aria felt an unmeasurable amount of pain go through her.

Tears gathered and fell as though raindrops. Her chest tightened with pain and she slowly turned to see her mother continue. Aria took steps towards the kitchen door and headed straight to the dining room.

"Aria… don't," she heard him say but it didn't matter. All of this didn't matter. She needed to know the truth and what was the consequences of her decision. As soon as she stepped into the room. She saw the coffin and hurried to look into it.

But then again he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"I said don't," he warned. "I don't give a shit, I will whether you like it or not. This is my life you have taken and if I'm stuck serving you, I might as well grieve the part of me that mattered the most. King." She mocked and forcefully pulled away from him.

As soon as she got closer to the coffin, she looked into it and there she lay. Her eyes closed with roses pushed into her hair. Dressed in her favorite pink dress and leather jacket. A faint smile on her face.

As though she died in peace and happiness. As though she had finally seen the light.

The irony.