Chapter Seventy_Three: Weep With Me

Song: Feel again By Jovan Perez (Slowed & Reverb)


One word, four letters.

But the impact being as strong as a global pandemic.


One word, eight letters.

But the impact being strong enough to put the world on pause.

At this moment, she was trapped between trying to scream at him and mourning her life on which was now deemed over. Or screaming from the pain that had birthed itself in her chest.

So, when her body exhausted itself from crying and screaming. Her tired eyes looked up to focus on him. Gone was the need or desire to get away from him. Gone was the desire to run as far as she could to escape him.

At this point, she knew that she needed to accept everything. And make sure she survived his world. Because if not, her soul would either die or burn in hell for all her sins.

"I am… truly sorry… about all of this. I understand the pain of seeing your entire life come to an end and now have no choice but to be trapped in a world that you are living in," he whispered. Without realizing it, another tear escaped and she watched him quickly wipe it away.

When his hand stayed on her cheek, they locked eyes and she felt that burn again. The kind of burn that made her want to run but at the same time find comfort in it. As if it was everything she had ever wanted, wrapped in disguise.

"Stand with me," he said and together they both go up. He wrapped his arms around her once again and they were suddenly in the ballroom where for some reason they always seemed to dance in. When he stepped back, the doors closed and everything darkened.

Except for the small circle around them. "Let it out," he said once again. "And don't you dare hold back."

When the sound of the piano began to play, she let her eyes fall close and she let her head roll around slowly. She stretched her arms forward as if opening her embrace for him. Not expecting him to actually respond to the call but stepping forward and pulling her in.

They balanced on each other. Taking in each other's emotions till the artist begun to sing.

I've been waiting for something

Something I can't ignore

Maybe someone I've been waiting for

To bring me back to life one more time

Placing his hands on her both sides of her neck. Making her look up to him, their eyes locking yet both of it filled with void.

I've been praying for another chance

To make me feel again

I've been sitting, reminisicing of a better day

Tryna' reawaken

She stepped back from him and let his hand fall to her waist. Slowing bringing it up to her chest, trying to get a sense of the rate of her heartbeat but she pulled back. And let her hands go up in her hair before turning away from him.

Coast to coast

I'm doing the most for a second chance

Just to feel again

Baby I try and try a thousand times

And I know why

They both moved forward, left and right then back. Him reaching towards her yet failing to catch her. Moving around her and trying to catch her attention but at each time missing the gaze of her eyes as though star flight wishes.

Till he finally laid his hand on her right shoulder.

When you left me

Oh you left behind every moment

Back when you said we

Would grow old on a porch in the golden sun

Both of their heads rolled back in different directions. Their opposite legs moving as their heads but stretched out. She moved twirled to stand behind him, then placed her right hand on his left side of his chest and the right to his left.

It's not over

Said it's not over

As I shattered every memory across the floor

Standing on her tip toes, she swayed side to side as she balanced on him. She felt his hands place themselves upon her very own and they both locked hands. She pulled away from him only to be pulled back.

When you left

I've been waiting for something

Something to take me me back

And here you are

Placing his hands between her legs, they moved side to side slowly as she placed her head on his shoulder. he placed his hands on her waist and dipped her back before slowly pulling her up back to him and right then they locked eyes again.

A star I wished on, when I was young

I wanna, I wanna remember how it felt when I first played the song

That made me melt, away away

For days and days

Then they began to move back and forth. Hand in hand they kept their eyes locked, both seeming to communicate as best till they increased speed and they would at times look away only to lock eyes again.

Coast to coast

I'm doing the most for a second chance

Just to feel again

Baby I try and try a thousand times

But I, oh I

He dipped her again and slowly twirled as she was. Making sure to keep a strong grip on her waist she wouldn't fall back as he went around with her. Suddenly slowly pulling her up till she was on her toes.

Then without her noticing, he threw her up and when she fell back into his arms. he kept his hands on both of her thighs and they both stared into each other's eyes. Seeming breathless but whoever wasn't blind could truly see.

That these two's destiny was too hard to overlook. So, when they need, breathes colliding midway. Nothing could have stood in their way so who was anyone to get into their way.