Chapter Ninety_Four: The Damn Witch Has A Name

Song recommended: BRKN By Madison Ryann Ward


We heard the doorbell ring out and turned to see the one woman who made the cake suddenly taste bitter. Instantly putting the cake down, I turned to look at her fully focused.


I wasn't even sure what to call her as to me she was just the damn witch.


She seemed to always dress as though there was a celebration happening and if there was, I was glad to not be at that function. If I had to be, I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to deal with this woman's acting skills. She smiled as though she was the Queen, moved as though the power only resided in her but the one thing… 


That really seemed to anger me, was the way she looked and spoke to Silver. That was the only thing that seemed to rub me off in a bad way. Aria could understand that they had shared an on and off past but that didn't mean she needed to try and disrespectful towards her.