Chapter Ninety_Eight: The Mirror Speaks (Part three)

Song recommended: Mountain By Charlotte Day Wilson


They were haunting her and she couldn't handle this. She couldn't. "You're different from his past and very from me." Her insecurities about her body and mind felt as though they were coming back. She threw the frame across the room and heard it shatter loudly. 

"Aria!" she heard him shout. "Open the door please, you need to!" he begged as though he was in pain but he had no idea how much pain she was in. The words were too much, everything was way too much!

"Make it stop! Silver make it stop!"

The whispers were so loud and she couldn't seem to take it. She didn't know which one to listen to first or which one was more important. They all seemed to be attacking her from different positions and it was scary. She could feel her anxiety growing and tightening its whole around her throat.