Chapter Hundred & Eleven: The Ceremony To Be Queen (Part Two)

Song recommended: Train Wreck By James Arthur


Voices…. They wouldn't shut up, no matter what I did. For some odd reason there seemed to be an unrest with them today. They kept her up the entire night, demanding and calling out to her. She hadn't found a moment to rest at all and it was getting to her head. 




"We need to be Queen." 


"Kill Silver next," 


"Kill them all," 


"Oh hail, Queen Macaria."



Giggles, "We are going to be Queen,"


She pushed herself out of bed, walking till she got to the mirror and sat on the chair that was before it. Bringing the brush from the table to her hands. She started to brush her hair and start humming a tune that her mother would sing. A tune that even her lover would hum to her when she couldn't rest.