Chapter Hundred & Twenty_Eight: Behold Old Realm, Here We Come

He watched her move and sway, calculating her steps but what he didn't expect was for her to let out her shadows. Literally, the shadows took the form of a being and danced around her, at times, balancing on her or the other way around.  He couldn't believe what his eyes were feasting on, especially when she moved faster on her feet with the shadows quick to react as though a second instinct.


Yet it cut itself short when she turned and locked eyes with him, immediately cutting the song and causing the shadows to disappear. "Silver? Salvaster?", she asked, clearly not knowing who he was and he smiled.


"Queen Aria. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said with a devil smile. "And no, I am not either of my brothers."

"Another one," she said, shocked at his sight.