Chapter Hundred & Forty_Seven: New Paths

Aria was quick to come at him and pull him into her embrace. Wanting to ensure that he could at least feel her warmth. No matter how cold she had turned to many of them, she knew that he was important to her and that nothing would change that. In all their years they had overlooked the good, the bad, and the ugly. And she would continue protecting his heart. Even though she had failed right now.

"I am so sorry, I am so, so, sorry", she whispered as she rocked him in her arms, allowing him to cry as she kept her own sorrows in currently. This was his moment and she would give him every kind of attention needed to make sure that he knew that she cared and she wouldn't stop caring about him. 

"It hurts Aria, why won't it stop hurting." He questioned through his sobs and it broke her heart more and more to know that she could have been there earlier but she wasn't. The race for revenge had gotten to her head and now pushed everything important to the dark.