Chapter Hundred & Seventy_Three: Gateway Travels


She felt as though she was drowning when she felt a cold splash onto her, pulling her out of her dream. She looked around quickly as though she was having a heart attack. When the haze from her eyes finally cleared she looked up to see Ana staring at her with an annoyed look. She grabbed something from the side of me and when I finally focused on what it was.


I let out a heavy breath. The dream had been based on the damn book again. Ana snapped her fingers and the book began to burn. "I was enjoying that book," I said as I pushed myself out of bed. "That's great and all but I don't think your shadows have fully merged with your imagination, so it's recreating what you dream about, and guess what we pay for it when we are trying to get to you." She said and turned to throw the burning book out the window.