Chapter Hundred & Eighty_Five:  Meet Mother


"Apologies for the disturbance. I was looking for James, he seems to be in a daze today and it's been a bit problematic." I said as I grabbed James's arm and pulled him backwards so that we could leave.

"Wait, he said that there was something that you wanted to tell me. Are you alright?" Silver asked as he took a step towards me but I made sure to be further away from him so that he wouldn't touch me. That was a new aim, avoid his touch, because his touch always made me react.

"I did? I mean, yes I did, I wanted to let you know that your brother is safely in his room and that you don't forget to find him a partner or a guard that could help him at all times until we figure out what's wrong with him. Or better yet you could do it with your family as I doubt that I will be able to help but whenever you need me, I will avail myself." I said and he nodded.