Chapter Hundred & Ninety: Bloody Returns


"It was a pleasure meeting you again Prince Faramir, I hope that the next time we see each other will be on better terms." I said and turned to walk back.

Karl was quick to move out my way as I headed back to my side of the border. Cleo and James were quick to come check on me but I shook my head. "Let us go, we have had a long and adventurous day. One that will stay with us and only us." I said and got onto Storm's back. "Try not to throw me off as we go back Storm," I said to her as I felt her shift her body to go back to where the castle was. 

Don't look back… don't look back… Aria…

I did and when I locked eyes with the Prince, I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat. Here was a man who didn't lay hands on me but laid hands on others for me. Here was one… who I actually wanted to see more of… but I didn't know if I could be with.

"Curre, Procella, curre." 

'Run, Storm, run'