Chapter Hundred & Ninety_Six: The Flow


Ana nodded and before she could leave. "Wait," I said and for a moment, silence filled the room. "Please do check up on my mother. Just see if her life is going alright and if that man she is with is doing her right at all times." I requested and she nodded. "Yes, my queen. May I leave now?" she asked and I nodded. "You may."

When the doors shut closed, Aria shut her eyes and felt the emotions beginning to bubble up. She counted to three and decided to recite a poem that she could remember from her youthful age.

It wasn't enough to hold everything back, so she just let the tears out and she clamped her mouth on the duvet. Letting the cries out, she hoped that the duvet would absorb it all and that she wouldn't have to expose herself. She could feel her mind alluring her to sleep so that it wouldn't have to overplay the scene of the scenario over and over.