Chapter Two: Hundred: Five: In The Midst Of Flames

Aria had never felt so frightened in her life. Her life flashed different memories of all different kinds of trauma and pain but none of them were enough to look at this in a different light. She felt as though the world had finally crumbled and she wouldn't know how to handle this type of freight.

Lucifer could grace them with his presence and she wouldn't even bat him an eye. Her concern was to the young girl who she truly cared for. One who had placed the gift in her hands and hugged her for dear life. One who was starting to get her life in order and was about to be alright. 

I could see how the girl trembled as she held the baby in her arms. Her tears were falling as she looked around for a way to get down but there was no way. Until her eyes locked with mine and I forced a smile. "Child… you are supposed to be in the castle with the rest of the helpers." I said and she nodded quickly. "I-I wanted to help. I just wanted to help. I came with the guards.