Chapter Two: Hundred: Thirteen: Love Causes Insanity


He slammed down on the force field she placed in front of him but the only thing it did was spark a shock through him, causing him to pull back. 

"Where is he? Where is that bastard?" Silver snarled, and all Aria did was roll her eyes. "I wouldn't know, I have been in this room all day and everyone can attest to that. I only stepped out for the baby's milk, nothing else. Now get out and get the damn guards to fix my damn door." she spat and all it did was anger him.

"Aria, if you don't do what I am requesting, we are going to be at each others head. Move out of the damn way, cause if you don't I will assume his in there and you are hiding him." Silver warned. "If you step into that bathroom, you are dead to me." she spat and moved out the way, dropping the barrier.