Her minds instinct

Taurus's shoes barely made a sound as she walked on the squeaky clean floors within Anthony's home. She was glad that he had assigned a maid for her and her child to guide them to their room. She had left Anthony with Oliver in his office to discuss something she barely cared about.

Her concern at that moment was placing her child in a warm bed and going straight to see her sister. She could barely keep a straight face when they landed, she had been glad that her child had fallen asleep on her chest but she felt how he clung to her shirt, afraid to let her go.

As soon as the maid opened the door for her, she thanked her and held her son for a few minutes, feeling him shift a bit on her chest, tightening his grip on her shirt. She sighed a bit as she watched the guards place her bags and the maid quickly but silently begin to unpack everything.