Chapter Two: Hundred: Thirty: A Mad King With No Power



"I haven't seen you in decades but I can see that you are still a different breed. You have let your hair grow and your eyes glow with power. How magnificent." The former king said as he pulled back and took in the sight of his son. "You look a bit like your mother though, at least that harlot didn't get everything." He said and instantly Salvaster pulled back, "She is still my mother."

Salvaster said and came to stand behind me.

"Is this your wife?" he asked and Salvaster shook his head. "No, I-" he held up his hand cutting me off. "You smell different. Everything about you is different. Oh no, I see it, I see it now. I remember your face from somewhere. Eris?" he asked and I paused for a moment before nodding. "Yes, Eris, shadow guard Eris, I remember you now. You were the one to help my wife take my sons away.