Chapter Two: Hundred: Sixty_Six: Wifey?



That was the one word that could describe the way she looked at my family. Her glow was graceful as she took them all in and said, "Drystan, three sons, which is your wife?" I gestured at Kaira even though she seemed reluctant. Giving her a warning look, she stepped towards my grandmother and she was quick to place a hand on her stomach. "Bless your womb, dear child, three sons, how rare," she whispered. 

"Aria," I heard and turned to see Silver take a step forward as he realized who this was.

Grandmother turned to him, a confused look on her face as she heard her name. "Your father has spoken to you about me?" she asked and he nodded but shook his head at the same time, confused on how to approach this situation. "Don't you remember me Aria?" he asked and I looked at Charlotte, giving her a look. She was quick to step forward and stop Silver from approaching.