Chapter Two: Hundred: Sixty_Eight: A Memory Of Art

Song Credit: Jacob Banks Unknown (To You)


And that choice led to a moment where I was gifted with… my son… my heir. My world… so forgive me if you get angry that it isn't your bloodline, or even an heir that belongs to this realm but I chose to care and that person cared for me back. Do not judge me and do not judge him." she said and disappeared just as I heard a knock.

"Queen Aria, are you okay in there?" I heard Lady Charlotte say and for a moment I was too stunned to speak. Too stunned to react as now I realized there was so much more going on compared to what I just knew. Compared to what I was just told that didn't sit well with me. I heard the door open and in she came. "Queen Aria? Are you okay?" she asked and I turned to her still tongue-tied.