Chapter Two: Hundred: Seventy_Five: Expectations In Knowing


"I did not deny that I would assist you but you are spiralling and I do not put my hand in mud hoping to find diamonds. Do not be a child at heart, it shows in your tantrums," she stated as she took a seat and relaxed herself. "You are changing grandmother and you are slipping, how do you not see that that is an issue on its own," 

"Have a seat child," she said and I could feel the anger in me brew more as I didn't like the fact that she wasn't listening to me at all. "Grandmother," I started. "Have a bloody seat!" she snapped, her voice being echoed and carried out throughout the room and I could clearly hear the frustration. I prepared myself to argue with her but when I locked eyes with her I could tell that this was not the time or the place.