Lets Do This

She ran down the hall and stopped at the crowd. They were all 14. Yesterday we all had gone through the 3 exams. (elementary, middle, and high school) today you would get your results. Your score will basically control your life from this moment forward.

"ATTENTION. Children form a line. If you pass your tests then you are expected to go to the "Career zone. TODAY. And may I also note that it's 5 miles up? You will be walking up. For the future, you might wanna keep in mind that in other levels might be a bit "kinder" to you when it comes, to moving levels." The guard sighs.

. .

You got in line practically praying to yourself.

You yelped when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. "Jacksoooon." You whine. He laughs. "You should have seen your face!" When you didn't answer he frowns and simply hugs you tighter. "What are you doing ??!" You wheeze out not quite breathing properly. "I'm going to hug you until you tell me what's wrong. And I hope you realize I can literally wait ALL DAY." He emphasizes his last words. "What..? Are you not nervous?" "Nope." He smirks. You groan in return and he giggles. "Tsk why do you have to be so cute??" Your face heats up. Your POV: "W-Wait what?!" You looked down hoping he wouldn't see your face. It took you a moment to notice he wasn't hugging you anymore. You look behind you to see Jackson sitting on the ground with a face equally as red and yours. Jackson's POV: "What the hell did I just say?! He mentally kicked himself. He unwrapped his arms from you to try to compose himself.

You heard a sob from the front of the line. "Do you think they passed?" Jackson looked at you in confusion.

You sigh. "The girls in the front, there crying." He just frowns at you. "Why do you care?" You look at him in shock. Your POV: "What's with him today??

He mumbles something to himself and you swore that you heard your name.

"Cmon Jackson...Let's do this." He smirks, nods, stands up and goes back to hug you. He didn't seem affected, but your face was still burning due to his last comment. You prayed he won't notice.

You looked in the front of the line. There were 2 girls clinging to each other when the guard handed them a card and smiled at them. You awed at the sight. "Jackson...I think those girls are scholars.." He looked genuinely bored. "Ok?" He said bluntly. You frowned. "What? I don't care about them, why do you? I didn't think you were friends with Summer or Lily. Are you?" You sigh. "No.. I was just happy for them, plus if Summer can pass as a scholar we defiantly can."

He nods clearly not believing what you said. "Were up." He nods again but this time he goes down to your ear. You can feel his breath on your neck. "Clove... Let's do this. You smile at his comment.