grandpa and wishes

my name was dracule D dohvakin..yes I know but no I didn't give myself that name it's my birth name I have white hair from my father and red eyes from my mother so they thought the name dracule would be both funny and fitting for me since I look like one of those TV show vampires especially with my pale skin,the word D was added as a request from my big sister since she was a huge fan of the then famous anime one piece and as for dohvakin well believe it or not that's my actual family name

I was an otaku and nerd since the day I was born to the day I died I loved world of animes and comics like marvel and dont get me wrong I wasnt a neet I was still a functioning member of society,niether did I have a sad or tragic backstory nor did I jump infront of a truck like some suicidal idiot infact I died happily surrounded by loved ones at the young age of 108 heh

now you're wondering how I'm still talking when I've already claimed to have died..well I'm wondering about that aswell but after all the fan fictions

I've read I can sort of guess what's happening especially since I look like I used to when i was 22 with white hair down to my shoulders and red eyes shining like some sort of ancient vampire but that's not why I'm sure I'm being reincarnated or transmigrated the real reason is sitting right infront me

dracule:excuse me sir are you really grandpa universe or am I just imaging you as such as I cant comprehend your true form.

grandpa universe:hahaha child I'm afraid the latter is true but at the same time I'm old enough to be the grandpa of your universe so you may aswell call me grandpa universe buahahhaha

dracules smiles as he can feel a very gentle and protective aura coming from the man as if he truly was his grandpa and he a child

grandpa:well then child since you've already figured out what's going to happen I might as well ask you what are your wishes by the way you can only have 3 wishes

no limit on what they are though

dracule:hmm this may seem cliche but may I ask why me sir?

grandpa:now now none of the sir call me grandpa ok?as for why is becouse you were chosen by the will of the multiverse my boy unlike what people in your previous world think we dont just hand out such godly powers willy nilly and most of those idiots who jump infront of truck just get judged and sent to either heaven or hell thought to be honest most are reincarnated without their memories in their original world as they haven't done much to go to either place ,so in a way they do get their wish to be reincarnated fulfilled hohohoho

as for why the will picked you my boy I have no idea but I'm sure there a reason after all the last one to be picked a couple million eons ago was me hohohohoho.

to say I was a bit shocked to be singled out by the will of the multiverse would be understatement but then I got over it as I would just live my life to my fullest and when i found out what it was the will needed from me i would do my absolute best to do it after coming to terms with all of that I started deliberating about my wishes

5 min later

dracule :grandpa I've decided

grandpa:oh well that was fast my boy are you sure there are no take backs you know

me:yes grandpa I'm sure and I wouldn't be much of an nerd if I hadn't though about this exact same situation before now would you could say I came prepared

grandpa:hohohoho ofcourse my boy now tell me your wishes

me :for my first wish I'd like to be able to create any skill I want regardless of how powerful it is

and for my second wish I want an adaptable body that would be able to assimilate and use all my wishes to their absolute maximum without changing my looks.

grandpa:hohohohohohoho I see you wish to forgo all that fighting and skip to the OP stage very well so be it.the only limitation I'll place is you cant make a skill for omnipotence or omniscience.

me:ofcourse I wouldn't of even if you hadn't put on that limitation grandpa life would be to boring otherwise also thankyou for accepting my wishes ,as for my last wish I wish that my family lives a happy life and that my original world achieves world peace and the environment gets fixed i know that's more then one thing but I hope you can accept it grandpa

grandpa:hohohohoho what a selfless child dont worry my boy I have accepted all your wishes

dracule smiles brightly "thankyou grandpa"

grandpa now then my child which world do u want to go to first not that it matters much since I'm sure you'll be creating a world travel skill anyway also what do you plan on doing with all that power my boy if you dont mind me asking?

dracule :I'd like to be dropped of into the Harry Potter world 2 days before the potters die plz ,also not at all if you must know I wish to open a cafe"i say while smiling

grandpa:hohohohoho truly what an amusing child you are my boy,in that case I shall come to eat at your cafe when I'm free and I might bring some of my friends aswell hohoho now then good bye my boy

the grandpa snaps his fingers and everything goes black