PREVIOUSLY ON TEEN WOL..EHM MULTIVERSE CAFE I am my own man, I cant continue to think about this to much or I'll end up like that version of professor x who looked into deadpools mind...yep I'm just gonna pretend like this never happened.




I'm currently looking at Bruce and nick sitting together and having coffee while talking about various things they've had to deal with while leading a group of superhero's...yes you heard that right BRUCE WAYNE THE BATMAN and NICK FURY THE ONE EYED MOTHERFUCKER are friends now goddamit what sort of unholy paranoid duo have I accidentally made when the door opens and i can see a cute girl with red tipped black hair peeking in (A/N

Ruby,phyrra,neo,nora,velvet and salem are best girls!.)


ruby:"heh but it seems fine Weiss look it looks like some sort of cafe."

when she says that the rest of the girls behind her also walk in , a buxom blonde,a white haired heiress and a black haired cat girl(unfortunately she doesn't nya)

Weiss:"what is th.."

but before she could continue she along with the rest of team rwby was as you have already guessed by now bitch slapped by the information packets

Ruby turns into petals and starts running around the cafe"OMG, OMG ,OMG,OMG.."

yang:"HOLY SHIT"

Blake was just silent at a loss of words while

Weiss:".I I Impossible,how can this be true!"

dracule;"meh it is what it is "

after they got over there shock they all eagerly started to look around and buy stuff

yang and ruby were squealing over the Rent a power list,while Blake was adding all the products to her cart and gazing at the sling ring with wonder,while Weiss was doing all of this while also thinking of informing the teachers and her sister and bringing them here.

knowing what she was thinking dracule decided that the only teachers he'd let in would be ozpin and glynda ,ozpin becouse he's an immortal wizard and might be fun to talk to and glynda because she's a big tittied blond bitch who uses a riding crop as her weapon....nough said,he'd also allow in winter and ironwood just to see their reaction's

after buying all the products,team rwby crowded the rent a power list deciding what to buy


1superstrength(strength × 10 and × 5 for those who already have super strength)

2superspeed(x 10 ,×5 for those with superspeed,2.5 for those with the speedforce)



5belly laser

6fire bending (+lightning bending for only another 25dd)

7air bending (+ soundbending for only another 25dd)

8water bending (+ blood and ice bending for

only another 50dd)

9 earth bending(+ metal bending for only another 25dd)

10The force (has to be trained' but comes with training manual on the true force(balance between light and dark),lightsabre forms.2 customizable lightsabres can be bought for 50dd aswell,if trained to the grandmaster level force will become permanent and no longer on subscription)


looking over the list ruby was wondering what the speedforce was and how she could get it,while Weiss was staring at the belly laser wondering who'd be dumb enough to buy it.



hmm wonder who's talking about me



yang:"Yeah superstrength that's definitely the best power!"

ruby";no! superspeed for the win!"

Blake":sigh ruby and yang you both already have superstrength and speed rather then buying these why dont you get something else that could also help and be cool?"

Weiss nodded along with this while still looking over the list

yang:"you might be right about that Blake...but SUPERSTRENGTH "

ruby:"YEAH AND SUPERSPEED I'm gonna be even faster now!!"

Blake sighed leavening the two sisters to their own devices, blake chose to buy the air bending + sound bending option ,while Weiss chose the water bending and ice bending options leaving the blood bending alone as she wasn't comfortable with it not to mention that grim didn't really have any blood.

as for the sisters ruby bought the superspeed option becoming even more faster while yang surprisingly gave up superstrength and chose flight as she though that would be pretty cool

after saying their goodbyes they all left to try out their new powers and products and inform their teachers of the floating magical door that leads to a multiversal cafe run by a God in their dorm....yeah that was gonna be a fun conversation



dracule was currently staring at something with the utmost attention as if he couldn't afford to miss a single second of it. what was he staring at you ask?, he was currently staring at albedo and ophis doing the zero 2 dance for him.

when he suddenly felt his predecessor send out another demon horde on a world,making him miss the end of the dance



pick the world to send them to and who to send