though usopp struggle it was of no use as batimuru had used devour on his arms and legs not his face,using devour at the max he managed to hold on for a couple of minutes and thats all it took for usopp might to drown to his death and batmiru to win.



3 lights flash and and 3 people come out, a blue and white hedgehog , a man wearing a fez and bowtie and a teenager looking super nervous,these three were Wally,the doctor and kazuma , Wally and the doctor take a second to get used to their new senses/bodies while kazuma just jumps behind a Bush.


I step out of the light and take a second to get used to my new body,omg I am so short ,disregarding the people infront of me I take a lap around the island and holy shit am I fast,I'm way faster then I was in my real form...damn that's sad. less then a second later and I'm back where I started ,looking at the guy wearing a fez looking back at me and the teen in a jumpsuit who just jumped behind a Bush.heh this fight will be over in a flash.


I step out of the light and suddenly I'm assaulted by my new senses I can feel all the time around me in a 500 m radius (what the knowledge implanted in my brain tells me is my time domain) as if it was a physical thing that I could control,never have I felt like a time lord more so then at this moment,when the hedgehog sped away I could feel it,I couldn't see him move but since he was in my domain I could feel him and know that if I so wished I could slow him down yet surprised by these new feelings and powers I was to slow to react and he sped away,thankgod it seems like he was only testing his speed and not coming at me or otherwise I'd already be dead


Wally the hedgehog ran at The doctor only for him to be slowed down the moment he came near him ,and for the doctor to attack him instead,dodging the attack Wally backed away and ran back,getting his speed back mid way,realising that the power of his opponent has to do with either slowing him or time down he realised that his speed wont be of much use to him here hence he started running around and throwing rocks at super speed,only to find that the Rock's stopped dead infront of the doctors face ,then fell to the ground motionless.."hmm time it is then" not wasting anymore time Wally charged right at the doctor,if he was a normal human he'd be to slow to fight against the doctor but since he had the powers of sonic he was slowed down to the speed of a normal human,the same speed of the doctor,hence the fight turned from a battle of powers,to one of physical prowess, a battle in which Wally easily triumphed as though he was a hedgehog he was also a superhero with the experience of countless battles infront of which taking down the doctor was easy, the moment he knocked the doctor out and was wondering how to kill him,he suddenly felt someone grab his head and heard a single world before everything went black "HAKAI hahahahahabaha"