He's Cabin

'meet me after school in our place'

I got test from Tony. Like really. We just did it in morning and he can't get enough for mr. Huh..

I look at the message and than lock my phone and than enter my last class. My last class go well nothing happened. When bell ring and we all are getting up to leave the classroom I see that lily also sharing this class with me which is impressive for me.

I do see her in my two or three classes not big deal. And I don't care about it. I meet my friend's they all are standing in Becca locker and talking and i join them.

" So what's up guys.." i said when I stand front of them.

" So I was telling that  our seniors first party who's throwing some of Tony's best mate. And he invite us. And we all are going. " Becca announced. And than I look at her give her look like are you kidding me and she smrike at me. Damn her.

" I am totally in and so did jake I know. And you..." she look at me smriking and continue..

"I don't want to say no from you. You are coming with us.. " zoe already declared this. And I know that I can't back out. I didn't said anything to them. And I quickly said goodbye to thme. And started to go to the Tony's cabin.

Tony is rich kid. Her parents are businessman. And like said before he is very serious with lily he arranged cabin to us. So no one know this place except me and tony himself.  In whole summer vacation he can't come to my house like if anyone know know it they will kill me so I come to my house is big no to him. We did it in house once or twice but than make little risky I mean we literally one time saved before lily saw me. And tony can't risk it. So he buy cabin which is good I mean we only use it for sex.

I never spend night there. I always go there for hour or two. After our business is done I wear my clothes and leave that place as fast as I can. I never try to stay longer and spend time with him. And I know he also think same as me. And this agreement are getting cool. And we both are like it things the way going.

When I reach he's cabin. The door is already unlock which means he is already in there.

I close the door and drop my bag in couch and get myself water to drink.

Drinking the half bottle of the water when i close the fridge. I see he is standing front of me. Showering. Looking sexy as hell. I smrike at him.

He didn't west anytime and push me to the counter and than started to throw himself on me. Which i always like this..  It's not new to me..

We started to kisse each other. They way our tongue dancing with each other I very much like it. I started to play with he hair. And I feel he's wet hair. Seems like he just showered.. We both moan.. that make me more turn on.

He pick me up and throw me he's shoulder and than walk to he's bedroom. Smacking to my ass i also smack he's back and he also hissed. Give him waring that don't mess with me. I Rolle my eyes.. like I care..

He throws me to he's bed. And pull my t-shirt and throw to don't know where and than he literally ripped my bra. And like this another my favourite bra I lost it for this assholle. I want to yelled at him but before I said somthing he said.

" I will buy you another one.." he said to me and eating my breast.

" You better or I will kick your ass.." i said to him. And after that we didn't talk about it. Before he ripp my panty to I already Remove it. And he smrike when he see  what I did.. I Rolle my eyes at him.

I push him to the bed and I get top of him. Now this is my turn to give him best ride that he never forget it. When he know that now that I am in charge he is excited about it. He like it when I take charge. He like it when make move on him.

I started to kissed him hard. And I feel hes crook hard on my pussy. I know he already turn on.. I do want to revenge him and give him mark. Because i don't want that Lilly see this and than make her doubt on him. Lucky basterd.

I started to kiss he's nipples. He like it when I bite them. He's whole body get goosebumps. And I wanted him to throw me and bed and fuck me hard. But like I said before. When I am in charge i have whole control over him.. He know about this he will get best sex ever..

I started to pull he's boxer's and hold he's little one in my hand and started to rubb it and make him too hard..

I started to massaging to he's balls. And started to link he's Crook with my tongue. And fuck him with my mouth. And he look at him with wild eyes. I know he enjoy it the way he is breathing..

" Fuck Madeline.. oohh yeahh. Like that.. like that ." He moan on my name and than enjoy he's best blowjob that he never forget.

I started to fuck him with my mouth he also grab my hair and do it and we both are enjoying it. Tears come out to my eyes. It's not that easy to do.. I did my 200%  so than he cum in my mouth..

" I am gonna cum.. I can't take it anymore.. Madeline.. " he shouted.. and I like it when he surrounded in me..

" Come  on to me Tony boy.." i said to him. And he cum in my mouth. And than he look at me and than pull me top of him and kissed me hard. I feel like I did do good job...

I didn't west more time and than push him to the bed.. I grab he's crook and enter into my pussy. He bite my lips hard. Which I eyes wild and I hiss in pain. We both are in pain but still we don't want to stop.. i started to riding him.. after that I am settle it and than I did faster. And than we both are so hot and i am totally enjoy it. And so did he. He also started to push himself little bit and he started to do it faster. Touching my nipples pinching it. And playing with it my fingers are playing with my pussy core. And that make me more turn on and give me anergy do fast as fast I can do..

" I am going to cum Tony boy.." i said to him..

" Cum I am also right there. " He siad. And we both are cum in same time and than I still didn't get he's little one out of my pussy. We still are like this. I top of him breathing to fast. We both are catching up our own breathing.

I want to stay life this. I don't want to be out of me. I want to do it again. After five minutes. He hug me and didn't west time and pull me to bed and come top of me. And than started to fuck me like wild animals. And that is unbelievable. Have much he have stamina. I am totally impressed. My mouth is wild open.. and I just giggle sarcastically..

I feel like he know that I do want to do it. And he is doing it for me. I feel so hot and fele like top of the world. Damn it..

" Do you know how you look fucking sexy when you take charge. And make me in under control in you.. " he siad to me and kissing my neck given me more mark that I know..

" You don't have any idea how much I want to fuck you senseless that you can't walk properly next two days.. " he said. And getting faster. And pull him to my breast to he can eat me like he's best desert.. I want him to do it. Whatever he said. I want him to do it. And show it that..

" Fuck Madeline you are making me crazy..." He said to me..

" I am going to cum.. " i said to him shuttering. And moaning. It's feels so good. So Alive..

When we both come he pull away. And he sleep beside me. We both are sleep there like good 15 minutes. It's longest time I stay with him without doing anything.. after that I feel that I can be stand up and walk to home. I get up and get my things. And started to wear my clothes.

Sence he ripped my bra I didn't wear anything I pull my t-shirt and than wear panty and jeans.. I feel that he is looking at me and I totally Ignore him..

" In the closest there is somthing that I brought of you.. I hope you like it.." he said. And I look at him and than open the closest. 

There is shopping bags. And I see that different different types of bras and pantys.. and that make me smile. Thank god he did give me now I don't have go like this without any bra.

I Remov my t-shirt and started to wear my bra but suddenly tony come and push to closest and than started to kissing me again. I know I can't do it. But I can't stop him.. I feel turn on whenever he kiss my breast and bite my nipples hards I love it.. and I can't stop him to do that..

When I see my phone started to vibrating to my pent I push him and pull out my phone and check that is my mom. I forgot to tell her that I am coming late.

" Oohh hy mom.." i said to her. And look at Tony. And he get it .. he kiss me one more time in my lips and leave me alone.

" Don't hyy me young lady where are you.. I know you are not in school. Plus I do talk with your friends they told me that you already left for home.. " she said. I love my family mom and dad. They both loves me too.

I do have brothers but they both are married and live with there wife's with separately. But we do gathering in Christmas.

" I am on my way to home. Actually my car's tyre are puncture in middle of the rode so that's why I am late. But don't worry I am on my way.. " i told her. And than she didn't Angry with me and told me to come home safely.. I quickly said goodbye. And than I grab bra. And started to wearing it. And than enter the bathroom and wash my face.

I do want shower but I will do it when I reach home. I don't want to me more late..

After wearing clothes. I get out from the bedroom. I see that Tony is seating in couch and changing channel to see somthing on tv. I ignore him and grab my bag.

" So tomorrow afternoon school same time same place.. " he said to me. And I on my way to get out from here bit I stop and turn around and look at him with annoyingly.. really dude. Here I lying to my mom. And he want me to do it again. Like seriously.

" Sorry but can't happen. But I am up for morning session but not in school. " I told him.

" I will pick you up tomorrow hours before school. Don't be late." He said to me. I didn't ask more question about where we are going and all. When I know I already told him that I don't want to do it school maybe he know the place that we can crash there.

I leave him there without saying byy or anything. Well I am always like this. After doing best sex. My mind wants to get the hell out and stay away from him as far away can I be. And that's why I am doing..