Halloween Party

Today is halloween. There is small gethering in school. Most people don't attend and stay home and ready for the party. But I am first person come here. I don't want to but like he said. I have to do it.

I know he said after this weekend but still there is no in hell he like it if I stay and see me happy and enjoying myself.

But I also known that smile of my face are fake or real. I know he hate me now. We didn't talk after that fight. I didn't even see him properly. I am scared to look at him. If I did look at him. I can't control myself and again break rules. And fall for him again.

Now I am in library doing my assignment which going to be completed any time. And after that I plan to read one of book to kill the time. Thank god that school have library otherwise what will happen to the people who want to.. mmmm..

Oky I am agree that I am bit dramatic and acting like crazy broken girl. But that what people do. Or don't. I don't know I never saw anyone who broke down or cry for that people who not even he's or hers. My friend's got there love. I in other hand I do had Jacob but I also know my heart also know that I don't have feelings for him. And he also know that. We did agree on this. We did spend night making out. But after that nothing.

Maybe he is rebound for me. And I feel really terrible that doing this to him. He is nice guy. But i did talk about it. But he still want to try it. I can't stop him. What can I do. But at least I do have someone who can make me stay away from Anthony.

I am again thinking all this again. Why he is always be in my mind. I alway try to not to think about him. But whenever I think any other think he always come in the end. Like now I take he's name.

Ignoring all this. I complete my assignment. And than its finally done. I started to read the book which I already selected it. So after my study I will read about it. And like this I pass my whole day.

In thal all time. I do have some of text from girls about what will look better this and that. I know Becca already know what will be look great but still he want to argue with everyone. When third time she text I didn't read it and ignore it. I know if I keep giving her reply she will annoying the hell out of me.

When it's 4 o'clock in evening. I get up and grab my all things pack my bags. And left the library. Finally half of day are passed. Now I have to spend time with my friends and enjoy the day. After that I will started to concentrate in my study's. Nothing else.

When i reached Tony's place. All things are done. And the whole mansion is empty. Means everyone is in there room it is about to start hour or two. I also myself have to ready for party.

The decorations is done fantastically. Becca really did great job. And so does all friends. I know without them she can't do all of things.

Reaching my room. It's empty. Means they are Becca and Lily's room. Thank god I have time to myself take deep breath for ten minutes after that I will try ready.

I really have wash my hair. So it is look cool. If I open it. Or maybe close one is better. In this all people. My hair will be ruin in all sweat. And I also remember last time I did open my hair. And I known how that I have to wash like three time to make it normal.

After 20 minutes I open the cupboard and than pull out my costume. I really want to look like Barbie. What I thinking when I was buying it. Now done is done I have to do this.

Taking shower. I started to so my makeup. Do have to look simple or I do aply makeup. I alway make myself nature. Should I try to different. Let's try different. I think i have to give look like Barbie. So it is going to be interesting. That's the all Halloween right. To do things that we never do..

I did everything. Ready myself. And than grab my costume and wear it. I see that no one is come to see is I come home or not. Maybe there are bussy in there own.

When I done it. I look like Barbie. I proud of my work. I grab all things heels and all what i get matching related to this costume. After that I look myself. Now it is complete. Should I have to click. Some photos of me.

Becca told me that they did arrange it. So why should i. I will do it when I go to downstairs.

I check my time. I take whole two hours for get ready. It's already 8 o'clock in evening. I think party is already started. I have to go there and join them.

I grab my phone and check that. There is lots of call and message are already there. I forgot to take my phone in general mode. Whenever I was in library I have to make silent mode to my phone. Because they don't allow it.

Maybe that's why I didn't hear anything about it. I didn't check all messages. I will talk to them in person. It is better. Plus I am not in mood to type message and and them. They will he happy to see me. That I did come in perfect time and all.

When I left my room. Music already started. And lots of loud voice are coming from the downstairs. I did wear the hight heels. I have to care full to walk. I don't want to embarrass myself. Are we. Mmmmm

When I finally reach downstairs. All eyes on me. Okky I know I come to upstairs. They didn't know that I am living here. But no they are not looking at me for that. They looking at me the way i dress-up. Did I did extra or somthing.

Girls are run to me and hug me. And they are smiling at me. I did hug them back.

" Ohhhh guys guys. Please tell me that I didn't over dress or over make-up. People are looking at like I am alien aur something I don't know what to say.. " i tell them.

" No you did nothing wrong. You look like exact Barbie. That's what they are looking at you. " Lily said to me. And I nodded with my head.

" But when the hell you come. And did you do it by yourself? " Becca said to me. And i nodded with my head.

" You really did good job. I really like your outfit and the way you dress up and all this. I mean seriously. If I did think about to be a Barbie but still i can't look like it. The way you are looking like. It's breathtaking. " Zoe siad. And I smile.

" Okky enough about me let me check you girls. You all are look smoking hot. I mean sexy cat sexy supergirl and sexy zombie. Not bad. I did impressed by you guys. " I compliment them.

" Let's meet the boys. We all are worry for you. You didn't even pick anyone's phone. Plus we do have to start our karoke session. And we are waiting for you you know. " Becca said. And grab my arm. Are we all walk to where boys are. All are looking at us. After we girls are always rock the party.

" Medelline." Chase said. And walk to me and hug me tightly.

" Fuck where there hell are you been. Do you know how much I was worried about you. " He said to me and I laugh at him.  We both broke the hug. And he look at me up to down.

" Damn it you look different. And exact Barbie. I like it. Never imagine you like this." He said to me. And after that everyone approach us.

" Meddi.." Jacob said. And I look at him. He also not look bad. I look at him. And walk to him. And pack my lips to he's.

" Hyyy my devil.." i tell him. And he laugh. But after that he did smrike.

" Sorry when I was come no one is present so I go to my and Zoe too and i started to get ready. And you can see that my all efforts. " I joke and hug Jake. And he hug me back.

" You don't care about people who are care for you. Worried for you. You ONLY know how to runway don't you.. " Tony said. And than everyone stop smiling and our all eyes on him.

" Hyy man relax she is here didn't she. Now let's start our karoke them." Chase said to him. And he is drunk he's drink and let it go.

" Don't worry he is acting like an ass whole day. And now that is really annoying the hell out of it.. you enjoy your party and ignore he's comments okky" Chase said. And I nodded with my head and smile at him.

" You know you are the best.. " i said to Chase and he Rolle he's eyes. And than Becca come drug us to start our karoke session.

" Hello ladies and gentlemen.. happy halloween.." Chase said and yelled.. everyone is cheer with him. And after that he said who it's work. And than our karoke started.

Lots of guy's and girls come on stange and perform. And we all enjoyed. Cheer at them. I mean some of shy some of shuttering so we cheer them. Give them strength. And we did enjoy it a lot.

After that Jake go to stage and started he's song. And it is touch. I know he is sing for Zoe. It's you from Ali gatie. And it is breathtaking song.

Whole song he sing looking at zoe. And I didn't know that I also singing with him. And my eyes look for similar face that I want to see him. But they are no where I can see it.

After when Jake finish song we all clap for him. And we all hug him. Zoe walk to him and kiss him in he's lips. And he kiss her back and we yelled for them. Newbie couple. Cheers. We did drink shorts.

After that Becca go on stage for sing song. So there is rules that if we did select some songs and they already sing so we can sing that song again. So there is the wall of lots of notes there is written lots of songs name and we have to sing that song. So did take one of note and read the song name and he show to the musicians. And they agree with that. And she look at us. And give us smile.

The music is hard. And I know what is song is and I am fan of her. I mean who didn't. She is beautiful girl with amezing voice. It's Arianna grades song boyfriend

Becca sing it the song and enjoy the song. And I enjoyed the song. Two days ago I was in this type of in condition. Sometimes I feel like this is song for me. Or I can said for us. No him or mem no more us is there.

You ain't my boyfriend (boyfriend)

And I ain't your girlfriend (girlfriend)

But you don't want me to see nobody else

And I don't want you to see nobody

But you ain't my boyfriend (boyfriend)

And I ain't your girlfriend (girlfriend)

But you don't want me to touch nobody else (nobody)

Baby, we ain't gotta tell nobody

I sing the song. And Becca also started to dancing. And we also join her. And we enjoyed it. I still again finding similer person that I want to see him if he is oky or not.

After the the song is finish Becca come to see and hug us. And after that we did drink the short. After that lots performance happening. And we all enjoyed it. After that Jacob go to the stage. And I am thinking that what song he will sing. Hope he had good taste in song.

When music start and i get it what he is going to be sing. And I love that band. It is famous band who part away but still there sing still good as hell.. Jacob look at me and sing the song. And than I also join him all are join him and sing the song.

It's song of one direction perfect song. And he did sing well. It is to fast song. I don't know how he managed it but he did good job. And he sing this song for me. And i laugh when he pointed to me and song last chore.

Baby your perfect..

Let's start right now..

And like this I walk to him and hug him and pack my lips to him. He is making efforts now I can't back out. Do I.. mmm