Nice Business With You

" Hyy I am not going to bite. I just want to talk to you.." he said come close to us. Becca hold my hand tightly. And that make me nervous.

" I just want to talk to you.." he said to husky voice. When he stood front of us. I see that how much he is tall to us. If I did wear hight heels still I am not going to be reach him. Burning the thought. I come the reality he dtiil standing front of us.

" why.." I said to him.

" Why should I talk to you.." i ask him.

" Why can't we." He ask me back.

" Look we can't and you know that right. See I don't know what is going on between you guys but I still can't talk to you. " I tell him.

" You are talking to me. " And he smrik. Damn him.

" I think this is enough for today." I said and me and bacca ready to turn he stop us.

" Hyy wait.." he said. And we look at him again and give him question look.

" We can't talk to here I get it what about somewhere else. How about coffee.. " he did haves still gutts to ask me out. He think that I can say yes to him. I give him look.  I walk close to him. And Becca pull me toward her but I give her look that it's oky I will handle.

" You are here for kick some ass of my school team, my friend's. You think that I will come with you after that all is going on mmmm.." i said to him that we both can hear.

" What i do to get chance to talk to you. You are the first girl that I ask for you coffee. And I can't believe it that you just rejected me I never been rejected you know.." he said. And like the he's cocky attitude is back.

" Over smart much.." i said to him. And he just show me some more when he grab my waist and pull me toward me. And I  shocked he's sudden action I push him away to him..

" If I lose. You will say yes.." he said to me. Finally come to same points. And I look at him. And look at Becca.

" You can't do that do you.." Becca said. Come stand besides me.

" Ohh i can don't you know that I am the captain of the team.." he said to her looking at after that he look me again. For hope that i will agree. I look at Becca and she don't know what to said so do I..

" I will think about it.." i said and grab Becca hand and we both turn to start walking..

" By the way I am Tyler. You still didn't tell me what's your name Angel.." he yelled. And I smile hearing he's name. Tyler. Totally suites him. I turn and look at him. And first time i did give him smile.. and it real one.

" Medelline.." i said to him. he smile back and wink at me.  After that he also join he's team.

" You think that he will lose." Becca ask me.

" I don't think so.. they have long time revelry. I don't think so he will lose. For the to take me out. It's nonsense I don't believe him.." I tell her.

" Than why did you tell your name to him." She ask me.

" Because he know everything he still have guutts to come and talk to me fornt of everyone. " I tell her.

" Well for that. I also impressed. And the way he grab your waist and pull you towards him. It is totally badass" she said and we both smile.

" What was that.." Zoe and Lily come to us and ask us.

" You can just think that we made deal with devil.." Becca said. And I smile. They both give confused look.

" You will see after game. For now enjoy.." I tell them. And I know Zoe. But I seat little far away for her. If I don't she will ask me again and again. I don't want to tell her. But he will happy when she see it.

And I know that he is not going to be lose. Why he would do that somthing like that. I drop that topic and concentrate in game ignoring all of this.

I go search him in ground. When I see him that same time he's  look my way and our eyes meet he smile.. And than there coach call him so he turn around.

I do look at Chase but he is not even looking at our way. I look at my friend's. They are happily eating food. They don't care match start or not. I grab Jake's food and started to eat. Zoe laugh at him. After that Jake grab her burger and started to eat. And than me and Jake both laugh at her. He got agree we want to stood up and grab our food. But than he see that Jacob don't have clue what is going on. Zoe look at us. And we know whwt she going to do. When she did. We brust our laughing.

And Jacob still looking at blank face. After we didn't say anything he didn't said anything to Zoe. And he started eat other one. We keep laughing. And eating.

When match start. I saw tigers cheerleader they are look so sexy and all are bitchy. And I can see they all are high standard. I did know that that school is private and there most of students are good background. When our school are always welcome everyone. They don't see standard or somthing.

Our cheer team i see that they are to be presentable and Cassy keep telling them behave. How the hell Becca and Lily face it everyday.

The tiger's goal.. and lions did nothing. I look at them. They all are tall like Tyler. They all have too strong. If anyone try to do to them. I know still our team going to be lose. I hope that our team win. But when tigers second score. I know that they are going to be win.

No way in hell they are losing this game. And i thought that they will. But they also playing with like everyone do.

Half of match is done. Now they have five minutes of break. Our guys come where we are seating. So did girl's.  Becca run to me and come to me.

" I thought they will going to be lose.." she said to me.

" Like I told you before. Why he do that. For just take me to coffe." I whisper her. So we both can only hear.

" He just manipulate you to know your name." She said.

" Than leave it. What will he can do with my name mmmm" i ask her.

" Let is be i can talk to Chase. Hope he is oky.." she said. And walk to Chase. When I se that Tony and Chase both are walking toward us.

" What was that lee. When I already told you that you still talk to him. You never hear us. Will you.." Chase said to me in angrily. First'time in hell he yelled at me.

" Chase clam down. " Becca said. But he still didn't want to hear her.

" She like to do that. When we truly said don't do. She always do that first." Tony said angrily.

" If Chase will angry with me say some bullshit to me. Insult me. I will accept that from him everything. But you. I don't give you that permission to you.. so back off." I glare at him and said I know he will got much Angry. But do I care no. I never care. Why should I. I done already lots of. Now i don't give damn about it.

" Don't talk to me like that princess or I have my way.." he said come closer to me and said. Lily come to him ad push him back.

" Don't ever call me that. You understand you little piece of shit.. " i snap him.

" Enough lee." Chase said. And I turn to Chase and look at him.

" Don't talk to him like that he's my best friend." He said to me. I suprise hearing that. And that little bit hurt me too. I want to said somthing. But Than I am agree with him too. He is made me angry. Now I see that he always pick him no matter what.

" Than you have to teach him how to talk with the person who even interested to talk to him. And plus i don't care who's he. If he  insult me I am not going to stop here. And thanks for to remind me that he is your best friend." I snap him. And than I back of..

" Lee" he come to me hold my arm. I jerk away. And push him away for me.

" Don't ever try to come near me.. don't ever touche me you understand." I snap him. And I know he did hurt. He still have game to play but I don't give damn about it. Tony grab he's arm and pull him to him and they both are walk away.

" Maddi.." Becca want to talk but I glare at her. She know that I am not in mood. And I will snap her if she did try.

Becca and Lily both are walk away to us. Others are seat beside me. Jake pull me to him and hug me. And clam me down. And I did. I hug him back. I do want to cry but I can't. I can't. I don't want him to see me like this. I am not weak anymore. I will show them to everyone.

Chase word's still running to my mind they way he talk to me. He did hurt me a lot.

After the break. Lions are back. They goal. And after that they got little confidence. And they play and started to goal again and again. And I know now what is Tyler did. And what will happen next.

I finally clam down. And than Jake ask me if I am okay I nodded with my head. And smile at them.

" Seems like we are going to be win." Zoe said come and seat beside me. I hummm her.

" And now I little little know that what is going to be happen.." she said and I smrik at her.

" He want me to take out for coffee I reject him. I told him that i can't go with who just kick ass of my friends. And like that you can see." I tell her.

" So important question. Are you going.." she ask me.

" I tell him that I will think about it. Same goes to you.." I tell her and she laugh.

" Sometimes you are very hard to get. You are bitch you know.." she said. And we both laugh.

Finally lions are won with two points. After that people are getting out of to go home. Becca run to Chase and kiss him and he pick her up and than circle her. And they both laugh. And I know they are happy. I see he is happy. In all that I didn't even see that the devil is standing beside me. The whole time.

" Seems like I finally get some attention.." he little bend and said to my ear. Goosebumps come to my whole body which I try to hide it.

" Your wish.." Zoe is right I am to hard to get.

" Let's exchange our numbers so we can talk about further.." he said to me and I give him my cellphone. And he supprise that i didn't said or argue anything. He quickly save he's Number in my phone and than call he's number to my phone to him. And than one ring he ended the call and give back to my cellphone.

" Nice business with you.." he said and kiss my cheeck and than walk away.  And I still stood there in another shock. Did he just kiss on my checks and I didn't even do anything for that. He is really are somthing..