It Is Karma

When he stop car front of my house. I look at my house to with window. And than look at him and smile at him.

" I do have nice time with you.. thanks for today. I enjoyed it alot.." i tell him and he nodded with he's head. And than he did getting out of the car and help me to get out from the car. And walk with me to my door. I don't mind in that. He didn't know that he's all gentleness make me more attracted to him.

When we both arech in my door. I turn to him and face him. We both look at each other smiling to each other. I don't want him to leave. Maybe he also thing same as me. Before said said goodnight. He pull me to him. And our lips connect to each other.

And than I close my eyes. And smile. We both are kissed each other passionately. I did pull him to more closer to me. To not to leave him. And he also moan that. We started to fight each other to kiss. He did push me to my main door. And that door brust our open. I about to fall but he pull my waist to him and hold me not to fall in ground.

Again he's lips attack me. We both are enter the room and he closed the door behind us. And I don't mind in that. He push me to the wall. And pick my both legs and I did do what he wants me. I hug my legs to he's waist. And than that time I seee that how much. Tall he is. And I did touch he's muscles and he's chest. But still he did have wearing suite. Before we both endded up. I push him and broke the kiss. He think that I stop him.

" Not here in my room." I tell him and big smile come to he's face. And he nodded. And than he didn't late me go. Still carrying me. I tell him where is my room.

When we both are get in my room. I removed my heels. Throw is don't ground and remove he's court and started to unbuttoning he's shirt. And he kiss me and we both moan..

" Fuck angel.. " he said to me and we both landed to my bed. And he come top of me. He did help me to remove he's clothes. I got angrily than its taking more time.

" Remind me that never wear the suit.." he said and we both laugh.

After than I look at he's chest. It's to big. He's 8 packs. Totally showing up. And I touch him. And he looking at me. And smile at me.

" Don't worry take your time  i am all yours.." he said making me blush.

I started to kiss he's chest. I am started to marking every where to him.. But I feel like to do with him. To show him that he never regret to pick me up..  he will have to think that he did best think to choose me to be he's date tonight.

After that I my hands go to he's pents. And than I Remove that too. And than my hands go to he's crook. And let me tell you this. I never saw it in my like . He is so big. And my eyes willd..

" Never see like this before mmmm." He said. And tease me. I look at him and kiss he's lips. Than he started to remove my dress. And make me nothig but in my undergarments. When he see the under the dress he's hard. I did feel hes crook get hard.

" Fucking hell Angel. You are making me crazy.. you are full of surprise. " He said. And attack my. Neck and than started to kissing me and marking me. And than kissing my breast and my nipples removing my bra. And than he travel to down there. And than he Remov my panty. And than look at my pussy. I smile big. And than he started to run me slowly. Not to go fast. But i don't want that. I can't take it anymore..

" Tyler.. please.." i tell him and he look at me with lusty eyes.

" Please what Angel.. " he said to me and enter he's finger and starte to do it in and out. Not that fast but not that slow. But that make me turn me on more I can't take it anymore. I moan loudly..

" What you want me to do Angel.." he said to me he know what he what I want but still he want play me.

" I want you right now please.." i begge him.. and than he did Remov he's boxer and than get condom and wear it. And than he didn't west any time and than he enter me.

" Fuck..." We both said in same time and we both moan.

" Damn it it's to tight.." he said to me. And I moan when he started to move in out. Slowly slowly.

" Fuck this is feel so good.." he said to me and big smile in he's face.

" Tyler faster..." I tell him. And he did what I told him. He speed up. And we both moan and he kiss my neck and massaging my breast. And my hand rubbing myself. After long time damn it..

" Faster.. faster.." i said to him. And he did what I told him. Amd let me tell you that he do have a lot stemina.

" Fuck Angel i am about to cum.." he said to me.

" I am... I am about too..." I can't even talk. And than like this we both are come together. And than we both stop. And than he still didn't get out form me. And sleep top of him. And he is to havy. But I didn't push him or anything.

I want to touch he's hair. Bit I can't. I don't know if he don't like it or somthing.

After thhat we both are pull away to each other. And than i still want to do it I am up for second round. But I can't begge him for that. He look tired. They whole day he is bussy in he's work and than all this shit. So I didn't tell him anything.

He grab he's clothes and started to wear. And I know it is one time thing so I didn't said anything to him. And I didn't even feel bad about it..

" This was amezing Angel..," he said to me and wearing he's shirt. And than kiss my lips. I pull my blanket to cover my neck body.

" We have to do it again.." he said to me with smiling. But I don't want to.. I mean yeah I did had great time with him. But I don't want too.

" I do love too. But you see it's just that.." I trying to tell him that I am not interested or anything. He look at me and understand me.

" No worrys Angel. I get it.. but don't forget that you are most beautiful girl. " He said and kiss me once again and I kiss him back..

" What the hell is going here.." we both pull away look at the person that i never accept him to be here.

" What the hell are you doing here.." he said to Tyler..  looking at him angrily.

" What the hell are you doing here. And how the hell are you get in.." i yelled at him my mood is spoil when he come. My eyes look at he's hand blood still coming to he's wound. Seems like Lily didn't do her job well.

" Are you fucking kidding him right now.. you are fucking him Madeline.." he yelled at him and walk where is Tyler stood and grab him and started to punch him.

" How dare you to touch her.. you basterd.," He said and started to punch him like crazy guy. I get up to my bed. I forgot that i didn't wear anything. I cover myself with blanket and than run to themmm

" Stop it Anthony. Leave him.." i tell him and pull away to him. I see that Tyler nose. And lips. He broke he's nose. And blood coming out form here. He did touch it. And that made him Angry. I help him to stnad up. Before he walk to Tony. I stop him.

" Don't please don't.. " i tell him and Anthony looking at us.

" And you stop there. " I pointed to Tony and order him to stoop up there.. facing Tyler I give him sad smile.

" I am sorry whatever happens. And I am sorry to your face too. Can we talk mmmm Tomorrow about it. If you don't mind." He look at me and than he want to talk about it argue about it but he didn't.

" What if he do somthing to you.." he said to me .

" I never hurt her. " He said suddenly. And I look at him angrily. And again face to Tyler and he nodded and than hug me and before Anthony so somthing we both pull away. And he leave us.

We both hear that door closed. He get in car and the car speed away.. I take deep breath. I look at he's hand. I sign. I again note blanket and cover me to not to fall. And walk to the bathroom and get first aid kit.

When I come out he still are standing there where I tell him to. I walk to him. And grab he's hand and make him to seat in bed.

It's to dark that so I switched on the light. And see that my whole bedroom is in mess. Blood are everywhere. Wow just wow. Now I do have to clean this all..

I grab he's hand which are still bloody. I pull him to me. And than clean it. He is in pain but this time he didn't make any noice. I don't know I still feel pain. Looking this. I feel Iike crying. But I don't want to. I just don't. He is nothing to me. I am nothing to him.

" Please try to do not hurt yourself again." I tell him.

" I am already hurt. " He said to me and i look at him our eyes meet.

" I catch Lily to making out with Jacob.." he burnt out. And he's voice broke. Tears coming out to he's eyes. I don't know how to react.

" I did everything to her. I choose her over you. But still she didn't care about me. " He said to me and I wip he's tears. And hug him and he he hug me back. Pull me to him. I rub he's back make him clam.

" I never thought that she will hurt me like this. " He said. I didn't say to him somthing.

" Don't you feel Angry at me. Or somthing. " He said to me. Pull me away to him.

" You didn't even get the reaction what I want to see in your face. Guess you really don't care. And I know after what I did to you all this why do you care for me I totally deserve this.. " he said to me.

" It is karma. What I did to you. She same did to me. " He said to me and I pull him to another tight hug. And clam him down.

" you don't deserve it any of it.." i tell him. And pull away to him.

" I have no where to go. I already lost you. And today I also lost her. " He said to me and feel he's pain

" Do you know that don't you.." he said suddenly. And I look at him hesitatelly and he catch me. And again he's eyes dark he is mad..