The Legend of the Cursed Dragon

If I have to make a wish,

That is if I became fiendish.

I wanted to be with you forever,

But what if I lose you on and will not see you never?


"Your Majesty, you should get back to your horse! We need to make a retreat!" The eunuch on the right side shouted as the faint distant howls of the Nian and the yells of the knights were evident. The King didn't know what to do and he was torn between the cliff and the sound of the creature who was known as the Nian.

The knights had been thrown upon on the thorny trees and a lot of them died already as the Nian punched its chest with his broad claws. The King widened his eyes as the Nian stopped a few distances away from them while he steered through the ground. The Nian growled noisily through the middle of the woods while the fog had formed through the middle of the cliff. The water was streaming in between the steep mountains of the cliff. The trees rustled, and the Nian took a step forward while wagging his tail through his behind. The eunuchs stepped out of their horses as they wielded their swords and stood in front of the King.

The remaining knights on the back readied their bows as the Nian sneered through and spurted out a lot of saliva in the ground. The King was also brave to retrieve a pair of a sword through the horse he rode on and yielded it in his front. He swallowed as the Nian stood silent in his place as the horns from his back glowed through with a faint shimmer of yellow light. The knights, the eunuchs, and even King Wang Qing Long were so surprised to see it.

The Nian roared through the middle of the night that made the crows and owls in the nearby trees hooted as it floats through the air while his appearance was changing every second. The light from the moon shone through the Nian's back and they were all gasping in their places. The Nian circled around the air as it howled through and the furry hair from the tops of his head disappeared out of thin air. King Wang Qing Long witnessed the scene right in front of his eyes as the Nian's claws turned into flawless feet of a woman. The dirty and scaly back of the Nian vanished and strands of glowing hair glinted upon the tops of its head.

A shimmering skin of a woman was evident as everybody from the cliff covered their eyes by the blinding light. The woman arched her head back as she floated around the air while she held the cane on her hand that the King saw earlier. King Wang Qi Long tilted his head on one side as a knight released a fire arrow from his bow through the woman. The arrow didn't even pierce through her skin and it just tumbled through the ground, the fire embers through the tip of the arrow. The woman sharply glanced at the knight and pointed her cane through her heart.

A transparent and luminescent light passed through his chest in a second as he opened his mouth slightly. The blood spilled from his mouth as soon as it struck through, and he died instantly. He fell slowly on the ground as the woman stood the cane right up again. She still floated through the air as the knights stumbled upon their feet. They were struck with the light one by one, and the eunuchs didn't know what to do. The King stood aloof as the woman eradicated every knight that protected the king as she sneered. The woman's eyes were full of white light as she slowly turned her head through the other side of the cliff. She smirked as she saw the King of the Zhaochong Empire.

She quickly grabbed the cane tightly on her hands as she pointed it through the king while shouting, "King Wang Qing Long!"

The eunuchs were surprised by that loud and hoarse voice that shouted through the middle of the night. Wang Qing Long was so afraid that time and he didn't know what to do. He tried to run from behind the eunuchs but it was too late. A fiery rope entangled through his chest as he was been lifted up from the ground. He gasped as the eunuchs were taken aback by what the woman did. The woman let the king turned around by the rope as her shining face approached him. Wang Qing Long didn't know what to do as his heart skipped a beat while the woman's yellow hair was flowing through his back.

"It was proven that King Wang Qing Long of Zhaochong Empire was the same as his descendants. Due to his arrogance with the beggar woman earlier, I shall curse you for the centuries to come!" The woman shouted while smirking through. The king closed his eyes as the light shed through his eyes, and he doesn't know what will happen to him.

The eunuchs fell down on the ground as something sprouted from the King's behind and they pointed their fingers shakily. The king felt that his body was changing as his breath was smoking fumes in the rope. Different sizes of horns appeared through the azure tail as the king's face was getting scarier than usual. He twitched from his place as his nails turned into sharp ones and he opened his eyes out of the numbness. The woman released him and he stumbled upon the ground while he swallowed.

Something appeared through his back and the eunuchs were stunned at their places as they saw a fag of cerulean wings, the one the same as the azure dragon. The King tried to stand up from the ground as his back was not cooperating and his teeth grew at a faster pace. He screamed as the woman pulled her head back while chuckling. One of the eunuchs fainted as the other one witnessed the King turning into a dragon. His scaly figure made the people watching the scene lost their consciousness in a matter of seconds.

The woman bellowed, "You were gonna be a dragon forever, Wang Qing Long!"

The dragon huffed some air from his nose as he wriggled his head and a fog of smoke came out from his wide mouth.


The year 2021, 500 centuries away from Zhaochong Empire.

An alarm clock blared through the small bedroom as a person snuggled her head underneath the pillows. The alarm clock started to produce noises as Althea Xi woke up from her bed suddenly. She stood up in an instant while her eyes were still closed. She grunted as she felt her headache through, and her eyes were still drowsy. She turned her body around and turned off the alarm clock as she sighed. She fell down on the bed once again as she grabbed her cell phone on the bedside table.

She glanced at the notifications from the bar and she gasped while she stood up from her bed. A smile lifted up from the corners of her mouth as she slipped her furry slippers underneath the bed. She jumped up and down from the floor as she saw that she passed the preliminary audition for the contest that she wanted to be in. She glanced happily on the cell phone as she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.

She smiled at herself as she said, "This is gonna be the first time I will do this, so please, be good with your mind, Althea."

She beamed as she went out of the door and closed her eyes out of delight. She pocketed her phone as she made her way towards the refrigerator. She retrieved a lot of ingredients as she prepared herself for some breakfast. She laid down rice, and a lot of slices of bacon on a plate as soon as she finished cooking. She placed her phone on the side while drinking milk from a glass.

After an hour, she was done prepping up herself for the day of her work as an article writer. She wore a loose white top and high-waisted jeans. It was paired with white sneakers and a sling bag. She brushed her brown hair to the side and she pinched her little nose while smiling at her reflection in the mirror. She sighed as she whispered, "This was gonna be it. I hope my grandmother and parents are happy in heaven."

She breathed out as she went out of the bedroom swiftly while gripping the straps of her bag. She wore her knee-length fluffy coat behind her back and straightened it. She closed the front door gently behind her as she ran up the stairs towards the gate of her house. She smiled as she ran towards the corner of the highway and stopped through the bus station. She glanced at her cell phone's wallpaper with her wide smile beside her grandmother and she sighed as she looked up through the sky.