Fang Wang Shu (I)

There was a woman named Fang Wang Shu, 

A woman who kept her identity as Mei for a long time, 

Due to the love that she had for a prince named Li Lei Jie, 

She will be trying so hard to hide no matter what. 


THE YEAR 2020, with no month in particular. 

The two of them had wracked up their brains at that time. There was something wrong with their brain, or it was just their denial feelings. Their memories swirled in their vision, and there was a woman the same as the portrait that showed up in their sight. Althea voluntarily closed her eyes after a split second while Chen Li was tilting his head to one side.

There was longing in his eyes, couldn't explain why he was seeing the real smile of this woman. Althea took a deep breath. 

"There was something I had encountered with this woman, I don't know where...," Althea managed to blurt all of it out.