Departure (II)

What is he even doing? 

Was he slipping away from the reality? 

Did he just said that she should do it even though it's painful? 

Even if it's the pain, the love should still be there. 


THE YEAR 1904, a century away from the present time. 

The healers never change his feelings for them, but why was Althea different from them? He held out his palm. Qing Long placed it close to his chest. He felt his heart beating... how warm was it to feel it. How was it like to be a human? A true, an actual living human? 

He didn't even notice that tears dripped down his face. It trickled down his robes, soaking it with miniscule beads. This must be how pain prevailed his chest. Qing Long gritted his teeth, gripping his robes. 

He sobbed, his shoulders shook. The darkness enveloped him like a cold blanket. Arms draping all around his body, he buried his face in his knees. The sadness would make him fall asleep in no time. 
