Elixir's Existence (I)

I wasn't the type to hold back. 

But if I was going to do it, 

It was only for her, 

Only for her I love the most. 


THE YEAR 1904, a century away from the present time. 

"Please, don't move. Something might happen if you move," Qing Long warned. Xiaojun panted, trying to catch his breath. How about Althea? She's still inside, bleeding. The death was at her side. It's ready to summon her soul with that sickle. Xiaojun took a step back as Qing Long approached the bottle. 

As soon as they both moved, something spectacular happened. All of their surroundings enveloped with dark mist. Everything became dark, a pitch black one. It wasn't the only one that could succumb to them into a deep void. The black hole seemed to fit them no matter what.