Protection from the Outside (II)

No matter what you say, 

No matter what you do, 

There's something that you need to protect, or at the very least, someone you can hold onto, 

No matter how you can steal the life from somebody else. 


THE YEAR 1904, a century away from the present time. 

"How? Is she different from the way Althea talked?" He asked. Lei Jie shook his head, as he didn't know how to convey it. Lei Jie wanted to know if she was grateful for their help or not. He saw how different she may be... someone who wanted to have the power in all aspects. 

She's greedy, the same with her parents. 

Althea wasn't the same kind as hero. She's the one who could forgive in one snap. Ying Yue differed from her. She's the one who could kill in a snap. Everything that she does was a threat from her parents. But of course, it's the same guild. Their blood run through the course of their veins, and she's in need to follow the orders.