Althea is Back

She was going to be back on her land. 

To the Empire, where she belonged, 

Where her job need to be filled, 

Where her death must placed on its own. 


THE YEAR 1904, a century away from the present time. 

"How come you have relied on the rules you have forbidden your own? You're not settling in with your own words, aren't you?" Mei knew how far he took his position. The only position he had now was being the Minister of the Royal Training Command. After all, the one who's above all of them was the Crown Prince. 

"Do you think it's funny to make a laugh with the same blood you have? We have the same blood, Fang Wang Shu, don't even deny it even after a split second," Minister Fang Chen rebutted, spitting every saliva he could. Mei's temper rose at its highest peak and she felt her blood rising in her head. She pointed the dagger at the ground, dropping the blade down to the lawn.